b'26 CSIA SCHOLARSHIP A MEMBER OFYOURThe purpose of this Scholarship Program is toFAMILY MAY BE supplement financially up to two (2) collegeELIGIBLE FOR A students per year. Each scholarship shall be a one-time payment of $1500 that will be paid on or about September 1st to each recipient.The scholarship CENTRAL STATESwill be paid to the student directly for payment of INSULATION ASSOCIATION tuition, books, and/or fees.I.Eligibility will be based on the following criteria:a) Student must be related to, or under legal guardianship of, a full-time employee of acurrent CSIA member.b) Must be currently enrolled or preparing to enroll in undergraduate study at an accredited college, university, technicalinstitute, or trade school. SCH0LARSHIPThe Central States Insulation AssociationII.Scholarship(s) will be awarded based on the offers two $1,500 college or technical schoolfollowing criteria: scholarships to students who are familymembers of CSIA member company a) A type-written essay of 500-800 words, regarding the importance of mechanicalemployees. If you are an employee of a CSIAinsulation and how it affects the students life member and have a family member who isand the lives of others currently a student at a college, university, technical institute, or trade school, or whob) Field of study being pursued plans to enroll in such an institution this year, he or she may be eligible to apply for a CSIAc) Past academic achievement andleadership scholarship. Applications and required qualities supporting material along with a photo of the applying individual must be returned to theAn independent group shall make selectionCSIA Office by July 15th.prior to the CSIA/ESICA Fall Conference. All selections are final.The application form and CENTRAL STATES essay are due by July 15th of each calendar year.CSIA is not obligated to present a scholarship eachINSULATION ASSOCIATIONyear. Awards will be presented7250 Poe Ave. Suite 410based on the criteria above. Dayton, OH 45414 Additional application forms and essay information PH:937-278-0308can be requested from the CSIA Office. For your convenience, an application form is also FAX:937-278-0317posted at www.csiaonline.org.csia@assnsoffice.com www.csiaonline.org'