b'Economic Update CSIA 19 (continued from pg 18)environment in 2025. The US economy has been remarkably resilient despite all the hits its taken over the past few years, said Yaros. We dont anticipate a recession, as the Federal Reserve will be dialing backtherestrictivenessofmonetarypolicy,and there are no glaring imbalances in the economy.Prepare for a Soft LandingU.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Annual % Change)2014: 2.5%2015: 2.9%2016: 1.8%2017: 2.5%2018: 3.0%2019: 2.5%2020: -2.2% 2021: 5.8%2022: 1.9%2023: 2.5% *2024: 2.6%* 2025: 1.9%* 2026: 2.1%Modestgrowthinthenationseconomy will support business profits in 2025.Sources: World Bank; * = projections by Oxford Economics.csiaonline.org'