b'Course for PresidentsThe YCC FrontTitleRUNYOURBUSINESS,DONTLETITRUNYOUKevin Gwaltney, MRCA YCC Chair partnershipAs the owner, CEO, or president of an organization, its your job to ensure the organization is adaptable, efficient, sustainable, and profitable. Thats easier said than done.Many business owners get so involved in the day-to-day operations of the business, they never have time to focus on whats really important: Growing the business and preparing for the future. This day-to-day approach can be dangerous because when business leaders are too focused on the short term they cant see or plan for what is out in front of them, such as changes in the business environment, until its too late. Whats the answer? Professional managementProfessional management is a proven system that enables business owners to focus on: EstablishingandinfluencingthefutureDirectionoftheorganizationbyclarifyingthestrategicdirectionandensuringyour own leadership meets the future needs of the organization. A ligningtheOperationstothatfuturedesiredstate.Itinvolvesthecontinuousalignmentofthebusinessstructureanddeveloping people so they can help drive toward the desired future state. AndestablishingtheControlsthroughastrongcultureandperformancemanagementthatallowyourorganizationtohold each other accountable to the vision, values and objectives.Aileronsflagshiptwo-dayCourseforPresidentsprogramfocuses on the fundamentals of Professional management, including AileronsDOC(Direction,Operation,andControl)structure.Ailerons Professional Management SystemFocusing on these areas can help you simplify and control your business, gain operational clarity, and organizational discipline.Itwillalsohelppositionyourcompanyforlong- rship Stratterm success, reduce your stress, and create more free time. e a d e eg yDuringtheprogram,youllalsointeractwithbusiness L I R E C TIOowners, CEOs, and presidents who are facing the sameD Nissues and challenges that you face. You will alsoparticipate in a self-assessment to help you understandtneyour companys strong and weak areas. This will helpemyou develop your action plan. C ProfessionalN plpuCt u O O o ol ManagementAfter completing the program, youll be able to apply r N I elT eP veR A eTO R Dnew knowledge of the Professional ManagementESystem to identify areas of improvement in yourself L POand your organization.M P eran form ess eag ance Busin cturement Stru26 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer TM Aileron'