b'/DiamondJubilee BureaulRawintheRockyMountainNewOSHABookletIssuedanex.This year, the Natonal_ ofcustomersAnewcitationformand /Standards is celebratrng its 75th an- andPacific states.planatorybooklet,"EmployerResniversary.They are providing toursmaterial for the new Ontarioponsibilities and Courses of Actwn at their Gaithersburg,d. headquar plant will be supplied by a new per FollowingAnOSHAInspection," ters.laboratories museum and library.Ii te mine and mill recently construc areavailablefromtheLaborDeThe organization, through its con tedatSocorro,NewMexico.ThepartmentOccupationSafetyand struction center, has done invaluablenew mine supplements the Company\'sHealthAdministration,Washington, research into many of the roofing in outputfromtheworld\'slargestac D.C.20210.dustryproblems -\\1en such as Wil tiveperlitedepositnearNoAgua,Dr.MortonCorn,Asst.Secy.ofliamC.Cullen, RobertMathey,R.NewMexico.GREFCO,Inc.,LosLaborfor OSHAsaid,"Inan effort Rossiter and many others have pub Angeles based subsidiary ofGenealtoassistemployers,thenewcitalishedtheresultsoftheirworkinRefractoriesCompanyhasperhtetion and notification of penalty form hundredsofpapersthroughouttheboard plants in Jamesburg,New Jer andcompanion booklet were written yesey;Florence,Kentucky and a newfor the layman and are easily underfacility to serve theEuropean mar stood."No explanatory booklet had NewGREFCO,Inc.WestCoastket in Ghent,Belgium.beenavailable before. PerliteBoardPlantOnScheduleClapperton AppointedrPreparingFor 27th MRCA Installationof equipment to con ToNewZonolitePostAnnualConvention vertarecentlypurchased165,000A.S.(Tony) Clapperton,. Jr.h.asThe Midwest Roofing Contractors sq.ft.manufacturing facility at On beenappointed manager of Zono_hteAssociationhasbeenbusywith tario,California,toperlite roofin roofapplications,anewpos_1 t10n,plansfor their 27th Annual Convensulationboardandacousticalceil forConstruction Products D1v1s10n,tionwhich is scheduledtobe held ing panel manufacturing is progress W.R. Grace & Co., Cambridge, Mass.attheBroadmoorWest,Colorado ing well with first product due to beClapperton joined Gracein1 74.Springs,Colo.This is a new addishippedthis fall.Start up is sche asanarchitecturalrepresentativetion to the Broadmoor Hotel complex. duledfortwophases,according toin the Pittsburgh area and was namedThe dates are October 24 through R. L.Hamilton,VicePresident ofNortheast districtmanager for Zono27,1976.Theprogram details will Grefco\'s Building Products Division. litearchitectural productsin1975.be available shortly, says the MRCA Thefirstphaseistoputtheroof Hespent13yearswit!oppersBoard of Directors. insulation bod.rd line on stream this Company,Inc.,the last sixrn roof-year,with the acousticalpanel line ingsales.oo peraeCranes88 set to begin operations a few months Inhisnewpost,ClappertonwdlSmith Hoist Mfg.Co.,Inc. s-rves thc later. coordinatekeyphasesofZonohteindustrywilhaone-manset-upwhich The California operation will pro roofdecksystemsapplicationandcan handk a big or small job effi c:ien\\ly, videanewsourceof thermalinsu- willparticipatein the developmentswinginginsafrlyov"rtheroofwith 1 ationandacousticalmaterialsforlargebulkyloads.Circle/188for more ofnewroofing products.informal ion. July1976 Vol.65,No.5Works when others can\'t, EditorWorks where others don\'t J.C. GudasProduction Mgr.When you can\'t wait for the weather to clear you need a TC/ H4M on the site. Rita Maconi4-wheel traction moves masonry and roofing materials anytime. Lift capacities to 8000 pounds. 10-30-foot mast options. Reliable gas or diesel power.Research Dept.Torque converter.Towable to the site. Compare. See yourTC/ dealer.Renee Sherman,Dir. 51-IELTERPUBLICATIONS, INC. 915 Burlington St Downers.Grove, Ill. 60515 (312) 964-6200 Published by Shelter Publications, with executive and editorial offices at915BurlingtonSt.,Downers Grove,IIL60515.SecondClass mai I privileges authorized at DownersGroveHI. and additionaloffices. Mai fed nine times a year. as follows; Jan/Feb . .;. Mar., Apr., May, Jun./J u I.,AU!;l-, . :.pt., Oct., _and Nov./Dec.Rec1p1entQual1f1cations:Contractorsservingthe roofing, siding and home improvement field, incl.uding allied fields suchass.heetmetalwithwhom roofing orbuilding improvements is a major department Wholesaleandretailjobbersomaterials r used in the industry as cl assi_fied above,Manufactur mgexecutives and their representatives producing01selling materials and equipment used by the industry. Prices: Single copies, $1.00 Subscription Rates:Oneyear$8.00Thtee years $18.00,Five years $25.00. For further information, Circle Code #1 l July, 1976ABC-AmericanRoofer and BuildingImprovement Contractor3'