b'8 CybersecurityHow Security Awareness Training Is EvolvingBy Drew RobbSHRM.org H Rdepartmentswereonceblissfullythey spend on cybersecurity, their employees and Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industrydivorcedfromcybersecuritysuppliersremaintheirweakestlink.Iftheykeep responsibilitiesbutnotanymore.falling prey to phishing scams via emails, then the Today,theyareincreasinglyinvolvedbad guys can gain access to the network and launch in cyber-training programs for employees. Securitya ransomware attack.awarenesstraining,inparticular,hasrisenfrom obscurity a decade ago and is now a huge industry.Given that it is impossible to prevent all attacks According to Cybersecurity Ventures, the securityautomatically, we need to make humans part of our awareness training market is worth $5.6 billion infirewall, said Jamal Bihya, an analyst at technology 2023 and is expected to almost double in value byresearch firm GigaOM in San Francisco. Awareness 2027 to over $10 billion. training enables the mitigation of human risk when sitting in front of a computer.Thedriverofthistrendhasbeentherelentless phishing campaigns of cybercriminals. This yearsHow HR Builds a Human FirewallinstallmentoftheannualVerizonDataBreach Investigations Report (DBIR) found that 74 percentIn addition to network firewalls and other security of data breaches involved a human element, withsafeguards, companies are investing in the creation phishing(a.k.a.socialengineering)beingoneofof a human firewall of employees who are educated the most prevalent attack vectors. In addition, 50enoughnottofallforphishingscams.Asevery percentofallsocialengineeringattacksinvolveemployee now has a definite cybersecurity duty, it pretextingresearchingtheintendedphishingis up to HR to train them. This often takes place victim prior to launching an attack (such as readingduring onboarding and in regular, usually quarterly theirsocialmediapoststogleanbackgroundtraining modules to keep phishing alertness front information on their job, family, lifestyle and habits).andcenter.Suchtrainingalsocoverspassword Businesses have realized that no matter how muchpolicy,breakingbadpasswordhabitsandother The InsulatorNovember 2024'