b'Safety CSIA 17if needed (as well as or in addition to the rest breaksby an emergency medical provider. You must also required by the standard); and how to seek help ininclude clear and precise directions to the work site the event of a heat emergency. Again, for mobile workand procedures for responding to an employee who sites, you must advise employees of the location ofis experiencing signs and symptoms of heat relatedCENTRAL STATES INSULATION ASSOCIATIONbreak areas available to them at each new site. illness.Ifanemployeeisexperiencingsignsand symptoms of a heat related illness you must relieve Finally,inexcessivelyhighheatareashim/her from duty; monitor him/her; ensure they are wheretheambienttemperaturesregularlyexceednot left alone; offer them on-site first-aid or medical 120F,allwarningsignsmustbelegible,visible,services before ending monitoring; and provide them and understandable to all employees entering thosewithameanstoreducetheirbodytemperature.If areas. employees are experiencing signs and symptoms of a heat emergency, you must take immediate actionsIn addition to the preceding, you must developto reduce their body temperature before emergency andimplementaheatemergencyresponseplanmedicalservicesarrive.Youshouldcontact inyourHIIPP.Thatplanmustincludealistofemergency medical services immediately in addition emergencyphonenumbers;adescriptionofhowto the activities noted for a heat related illness.employees can contact a supervisor and emergency medicalservices;individualsdesignatedtoensureYour initial training for employees must ensure that heat emergency procedures are invoked whenthat each employee is trained and understands heat appropriate;andadescriptionofhowtotransportstress hazards; heat related injuries and illnesses; and employeestoaplacewheretheycanbereachedthe risk factors for heat related injuries or illnesses, continued on pg.18csiaonline.org'