b'Safety CSIA 15E mployers will be required to comply with all requirements of the new standard no later than 150 days after the date of publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. Comments on the proposed rule may be filed with OSHA by December 30, 2024. While the new rule hasbeenpublishedunderthegeneralindustry standard, 29 CFR 1910.148, it will also be enforced in several other enumerated specific industries .For example, it will be enforced for shipyard employment By Gary Aumanunder standard 29 CFR 1915.95 and it will also be Auman, Mahan & Furry enforced in the construction industry under 29 CFR 1926.67. Beyond this, it will also be enforced under the standards for marine terminals, longshoring, and agriculture.The new standard will not apply to work activities forwhichthereisnoreasonableexpectationof exposure at or above the initial heat trigger, which has been defined as 80F. It will also not apply to short duration employee exposures at or above the initial heat trigger of fifteen minutes or less in any sixty minutes. And it will not apply to work activities performed in indoor work areas or vehicles where airconditioningconsistentlykeepstheambient temperaturebelow80F.Finally,itwillnotapply toteleworkactivitiesorsedentaryworkactivities thatonlyinvolvesomecombinationofsittingwith occasional standing and walking for brief periods ofrefers to total number of employees in the Company time and occasional lifting of objects weighing lessorthenumberofemployeesonthesiteaffectedCENTRAL STATES INSULATION ASSOCIATIONthan ten pounds. bytheplan.Indevelopingtheplan,theemployer isrequiredtoseekinputandinvolvementofnon-Section1910.148(c)(1)willrequireeverymanagerialemployeesandtheirrepresentatives, employertodevelopandimplementaworksite- if any. While it is not stated, you should document specificheatinjuryandillnesspreventionplanwhatever efforts you have undertaken to comply with (HIIPP) with site-specific information. This plan willthis requirement. You must have your plan available have to include a comprehensive list of the typesto all employees performing work at the work site. of work activities that are covered by the plan, allAlso, you must review and evaluate the effectiveness policiesandprocedureswhicharenecessarytoofyourHIIPPwheneveraheat-relatedillnessor comply with the requirements of this standard, and itinjury occurs that results in death, days away from will have to identify the heat metric that the employerwork, medical treatment beyond first-aid, or loss of will monitor to comply with the required proceduresconsciousness, but at least annually.toidentifyheathazards.Bymetric,thestandard refers to either the heat index or the wet bulb globeUndersection1910.148(d),requirements temperature.Iftheemployerhasmorethantenareidentifiedfortheemployertomonitorheat employees, the HIIPP must be written. The standardconditionsatoutdoorandindoorworkareas.For is not clear whether the ten employee requirementoutdoor work areas, the employer must monitor heat continued on pg.16csiaonline.org'