b'26 BUSINESS MANAGEMENTcontinuedfrom pg. 24workplace violence prevention program. Part of the problem is that getting one off the ground requires an enthusiasm that is too often lacking. I recommend allbusinessesidentifysomeonewith thepassionnecessarytomanagea workplace violence prevention program from an organizational point of view, and then develop a policy that is supported by the CEO or COO or a senior member of the organization, said Felix P. Nater, president of Nater Associates, a security consulting firm. Employeesmustalsoberegularly reminded of the programs details. All employees need to be familiar with the warningsignsofworkplaceviolence andthestepsthatshouldbetaken, saidNater.Thiswillbuildtrustand confidence in the hearts and minds of the employees because they trust managementswhohascommittedthebehavior.Approachthe investment in their safety and security. individual in a respectful way and talk about what Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryyou have observed, said Villanueva. Stick with the Theremustbesafeguardstoprotectindividualsfacts, rather than making accusations. Encourage reportingincidentsfromretaliation.Employeesthem to talk about their behavior, explain why it is may resist speaking up about questionable behaviorhappening, and what they can do to resolve it.because they are afraid they may be attacked by the individual involved, said Nater. Everyone shouldIts often appropriate to ask questions such as, Are be aware that the organization has protections inyouokay?Isthereanythingyouneed?Canwe place so that if things become untenable, they willoffer something to assist? Many employers have not be left to fend for themselves. an employee assistance program (EAP) that can provide counseling.Respond appropriately Havingthesetoughconversationsearlyisbetter Top management can feel as nervous as employeesthan allowing things to slide, because they will only about taking action when troubling behavior occurs.become more difficult to deal with over time. The How can they investigate a report without rufflinglonger you take, the worse the problem gets, said feathers and unintentionally making matters worse?Villanueva. These things seldom get resolved on Whentroublingbehaviorisreported,thebesttheir own.approach is to start with a discreet investigation, said Villanueva. Ask other employees if they canReduce stresscorroboratethebehavior.Hasanyoneobserved similar events? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. One way of reducing the emotional temperatures Once the background work is done, the supervisorthatcanleadtoviolenceistoinstituteastress shouldhaveaconversationwiththeemployeereduction program. Its good to appoint someone in continuedon pg. 27The InsulatorNovember 2024'