b'16 Safety (continued from pg 15)conditions by tracking the local heat index forecaststrees), air-conditioning in an enclosed area, but not provided by the National Weather Service (NWS) orshadefromequipmentForindoorworksites,the other reputable sources, or as close as possible tobreak areas must be provided in areas that are air-work areas by measuring the heat index or the wetconditioned or have increased air movement and, if bulb globe temperature. This monitoring must be doneappropriate, de-humidification, and can accommodate with sufficient frequency to accurately determine yourthe number of employees on break and are readily employeesexposuretoheat.Forindoorworkers,accessible to work areas. Also, for indoor work areas, youmustidentifyeachworkareawherethereisyou must ensure that there is increased air movement areasonableexpectationthatemployeesareorsuchasfansorair-conditionedworkareas.Ifyou may be exposed to heat at or above the initial heatare using fans and the ambient temperature is above trigger (remember, the initial heat trigger refers to a102F, you must evaluate the humidity to determine heat index of 80F or above). You must also developif fan use is harmful. If you determine it is, you must and implement a monitoring plan covering each workdiscontinue the use of fans. Finally, if your work area areawhichyouhaveidentifiedtodeterminewhenisabovetheinitialheattrigger,youmustprovide employees are exposed to heat at or above the initialforacclimatizationfornewemployees,aswellas and high heat triggers. The high heat trigger has beenforreturningemployeeswhohavebeenawayon identified as 90F or higher.vacation or sick leave for more than fourteen days. For those returning employees, acclimatization must be You must seek the input and involvement of non- provided for their first week back. You must also allow managerialemployeesandtheirrepresentativesfor rest breaks and encourage employees to take paid when evaluating the work site to identify work areasrest breaks in the break areas you have established. withareasonableexpectationofexposuresatorYoumustalsomaintainameansofeffectivetwo-above the initial heat trigger. This requirement applieswaycommunicationwithemployeesandregularly Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industrywhenever there is a change in production, processes,communicate with them regarding your HIIPP. If you equipment,controls,orasubstantialincreaseinprovide cooling PPE for employees, you must ensure outdoortemperaturewhichhasthepotentialtothat the cooling properties of the PPE are maintained increase heat exposure indoors. The indoor work areaat all times during use by employees.rulesdoprovideforanexemptionfrommonitoring when you can assume that the temperature at a workThe requirements of the standard state that if area is at or above both the initial heat and high heatemployees are working in areas at or above the high triggers instead of conducting on-site measurementsheat trigger (90F), you must provide them a minimum or tracking the local forecasts. In such cases you mustfifteen-minute paid rest break at least every two hours provide all control measures which are outlined forin the established break areas. The time for employees work in areas above the initial heat trigger and work into walk to and from the break area is not included in areas above the high heat trigger. the time they are required to rest in the break area. Also,youmustprovidemethodsforobservationof Requirements for employees who are exposed toemployeesforsignsandsymptomsofheatstress. heat at or above the initial heat trigger (80F) includeThese include either a mandatory buddy system or placing drinking water at locations readily accessibleobservation by a supervisor or heat safety coordinator to the employee which is suitably cool and in sufficient(withnomorethantwentyemployeesobserved quantity to provide access to 1 quart of drinking waterper supervisor). For employees who are alone at a per employee per hour. You must also provide oneworksite,youmustmaintainameansofeffective, or more areas for employees to take breaks that cantwo-way communication with those employees. Prior accommodatethenumberofemployeesonbreakto the work shift, or when you determine the high heat and make the break areas readily accessible to thetrigger has been met or exceeded, you must notify work area. These areas must provide artificial shadeemployeesoftheimportanceofdrinkingplentyof (such as tents or pavilions), natural shade (such aswater; their right to, at their election, take rest breaks continued on pg.17The InsulatorNovember 2024'