b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CSIA 27your company as a liaison between a stressed employee and a source of assistance, said Worley. The person in Quiz: How Prepared are You for an charge of human resources often fills this role, providing aAct of Workplace Violence?safe, confidential place to go for the employee who feels as though they are struggling from stress at the workplaceTake this quiz to assess your preparedness for or at home. an act of workplace violence. Score 10 points for each yes. Employees experiencing high stress can be referred to the company insurance company if it covers counseling, to an1.Haveyoupublishedandcommunicateda Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or to a communityWorkplace Violence Prevention Plan?counseling service. This can be an important part of a larger workplaceviolencepreventionprogram.Allemployees2. Have you trained your workforce on spotting need to understand the risk factors of workplace violence,and reporting violence warning signs?the warning signs, and their responsibility to report what they see and hear, said Nater. A business cant wait for3. Do employees feel safe from retaliation if they ashootingformanagementtostartbackpedalingandreport troubling behavior?acknowledgingwhattheyshouldhaveaddressedlong ago. 4. Have you trained your supervisors on aspects of workplace violence prevention?5. Do you resolve all reported observations and Safe terminationsreports quickly?Specialattentionshouldbepaidtosafe6. Have you prohibited weapons in the workplace?procedureswhenitsnecessarytofirean employee who has exhibited troubling behaviors.7. Do you discipline and treat every employee with Workplace shootings are often done by recentlydignity and respect?terminatedemployees,saidDonWorley, President and Managing Attorney at McDonald8.Doyoumaintainconfidentialitywhen Worley. Sometimes the employer has contestedinvestigating reported incidents?theirapplicationforunemploymentbenefits. Other times the individual was not offered any9.Do you confront misbehaving employees with severance package. statementsofobservedevidenceratherthan judgments?Security experts advise having a member of law enforcement on hand if there is a risk of a violent10.Haveyoucoordinatedwithyourlocallaw confrontation.Andtheindividualshouldbeenforcement in preparation for an act of workplace terminated in a compassionate way. Providingviolence?apacketofusefulinformationcanhelp,said Worley.ThepacketmightcontainalistofTotalyourscores.80orhigher:Youhave local agencies that provide counseling and job- takenappropriatestepstomitigateworkplace hunting assistance, and a list of temp agencies.violence. Between 60 and 80: There is room for In other words, be helpful and dont just say, getimprovement. Below 60: Its time to institute some out of here procures detailed in the accompanying article.csiaonline.org'