b'24 Legally Speakingcontinuedfrom pg. 23fixatedonperceivedoccupationalslights.Verythe significance of what they have seen, or they do often these events begin with a grievance on thenot know the correct reporting procedures.part of an employee or customer or other individual, said Sherman. I am using the term grievance in thePlanningandtrainingcanhelp.Everycompany most general sense, as anything somebody is upsetshould create a workplace violence prevention and about. Thats why its so important for employersmanagementprogram,whichisasetofpolicies torespondtoemployeesissues,concerns,andand procedures that tell employees how to report problems when they arise. troublingincidentstheyhaveobserved,said Villanueva.Thismaypreventanincidentfrom Behaviors outside the workplace can also be redoccurring.flags.Often,someonewillpostthingstosocial mediathatcouldbeimportantinassessingthatVillanuevasaidtheprogramshouldincludea theyposeathreattotheworkplace,saidK.zero-tolerancepolicy,callingfortheemployerto Campbell,principalatBlueGlacierSecurityandtake appropriate action when a violent act occurs. Intelligence. These may include statements aboutIfsomeonemakesaverbalthreat,forexample, fellow employees, supervisors, or managers. Thatbut there is no physical contact or further issues, is an example of leakage, the disclosure of ill intentthepenaltymaybeasuspension,oraletterof to a third person rather than to the individual whowarning, or a reassignment. At the other extreme, might be the intended victim of an assault. Leakagean aggressor who beats up a fellow employee on is usually an extremely reliable indicator of potentialthe workroom floor may well be terminated. violence. Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryTheabovebehaviorsarenotanexclusivelist. Expertsadvisetakingactionanytimeyourgut instinct tells you something is not right. You dont wanttowronglyaccusesomeone,saidOscar Villanueva,theCOOatTALGlobal,asecurity-consulting and risk-management firm. But people should know that if they see something that doesnt look right to them and their gut is telling them theres an issue, they should report it to their supervisor or manager right away so it can be looked into.Employee reportsWhen it comes to responding in a timely manner toFilingaprograminabinderisnotsufficient:Thank you for warning signs, employees are often the first line of defense. Management cant know everything thatManagers and employees must be familiar with the44 years of partnership.happens on the floor where people are working,details. Everyone needs to know what steps to take saidBenyamini.Whenemployeesseeorhearif an incident occurs, including to whom to report, something, they need to say something so that ifsaid Sherman. People should also know how toSince 1980, Proto Corporation has been working hard to earn the trust anincidentendsupbecomingacrediblethreat,call first responders if an incident rises to the levelof our customers, manufacture the highest quality products and deliver measures can be taken to reduce the risk. of an emergency. the industrys best service. Thank you for your continued support.Too often, though, colleagues of a violent actor failMore work needs to be done. According to OSHA, to speak up, either because they are not aware ofonly30%ofallorganizationshaveaformalized continuedon pg. 26The InsulatorNovember 2024(800) 875-7768|ProtoCorporation.com'