b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEeverything together, driving results, accountable forowners looking to recruit/retain key talent today need the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds theto focus on innovative Long-Term Incentive Plans Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force(LTPL).in the organization. A New ParadigmThat said, an organization has a Visionary about 50The new paradigm in Long Term Incentive Plan percent of the time. It MUST have an Integrator 100design requires a shift in perspective and focus.percent of the time.The pandemic has afforded many owners unplanned1. Focus on Value-Creationtime for strategic contemplation. ContemplationFirst, instead of key talent being hired to fill a on how to emerge stronger and better and/or howposition, they are now being recruited to perform to ready the company for their ultimate departure.a role, i.e. integrator. As such, they are not being Either requires focus on operational efficiencies, valuepaid for their behavior (time spent, duties fulfilled, enhancement and training/recruitment of key talent.actions accomplished), rather they are being paid for Each, more critical than ever. achieving a desired resultfor producing a targeted outcome. This has led to a shift away from the idea Owners looking to hire an integrator, to takeof incentivizing towards a philosophy of value-the company to the next level, or to motivate onesharing.internally, to focus on desired results, may beValue-sharing is directly linked to value creation. wondering what they need to do now. Especially sinceOnce key performers understand how value creation there is more of this talent available, given the flip inis defined for the business and what their role is in talent demand. Salary, short term bonuses, benefits,creating and sustaining it, they understand how culture, enthusiasm, etc. are important. However, continued on page: 10INC.Glue Laminated Posts Time-tested successful in-ground preservative performance dating back more than 80 years.Treatment occurs before gluing for maximum penetration and protection.Waterproof, structural glue with a proven history of more than 150 years - stronger than the wood itself.717.866.6581www.rigidply.com701 E. Linden Street, Richland PA 17087 FRAME BUILDER - NOV2023 / 9'