b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEfixtures will result in a significant amount of air to leakEnsure an exterior air barrier is installed and is from inside a building into the attic space. continuous.Outside Air penetration Install attic baffles or air chutes to minimize air that Outside air penetration needs to be minimized for buildingsenters attic space from penetrating under ceiling located in all Climate Zones.For buildings located ininsulation.cold climates, cold air that can penetrate into an exteriorThis article was subjected to a peer review process building assembly can cause a cold surface to developconducted by the NFBA Editorial Committee, which on the inside surface.Moisture problems will occur onconsists of at least 10 members from engineering and the cooled inside surfaces when these surfaces are at oracademic organizations throughout the United States who below the dew point temperature inside the building.are each knowledgeable about Post-Frame construction.For buildings located in warm climates and are air conditioned, moisture problems can develop inside insulated assemblies when warm, moist outside air penetrates the assembly.A convection current will carry moisture in the warm outside air and the moisture will condense on the outside surface of the cooled inside building assembly surface.Any air-conditioned building that has moisture condense on the outside of a window during hot, humid weather will most likely have moisture problems in insulated exterior building assemblies if outside air penetrates the cavity.This air infiltration can be minimized by addressing the following details:Seal between windows/exterior doors and rough structural frame prior to installation of exterior flashing. WWeeooffffeerrvvaarriioouussssiizzeessooffssqquuaarreessaawwnnttiimmbbeerrssffrroomm441542 Hwy 195 4xx44ttoo1122xx1122,,aasswweellllaass,,ddiimmeennssiioonnlluummbbeerrffrroomm11xx44to205-486-4000 t o22xx1122((ttrreeaatteerraanndduunnttrreeaatteedd))AAnnootthheerrppooppuullaarrHaleyville, AL 35565 pprroodduuccttiissoouurrppllyywwooooddtthhaattrraannggeessffrroomm11//22""ttoo3fslumber.com sales@fslumber.com 3//44""WWeeccaannssuuppppllyyaallmmoossttaannyyooffyyoouurrppoossttffrraammeebbuuiillddiinnggnneeeeddssGGiivveeuussaaccaallllaannddlleetttthheeeexxppeerriieenncceewwoorrkkffoorryyoouu!! FRAME BUILDER - NOV2023 / 25'