b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINEMOISTURE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONSKEEPING WATER AND MOISTURE OUTRESEARCH & TECHNOLOGYM oisture problems are relatively easy to identifyBy Joseph M. Zulovich,liquid water or damp, wet materials existsPh.D, P.Ewhere it shouldnt.However, determining the best solution for a particular moisture problem is not straight forward because one solution does notexterior envelope protection is dependent fit all situations.The strategy to understand moistureupon the moisture source, location of a problems is typically straight forward, but the detailspotential moisture problem and specific to address any one problem are more complicated.building system details.The complexity of There are four steps to undertake:protection dictates why one solution does not fit all situations.The removal of any excess or accumulated First, identify all the sources of moisture affecting amoisture via ventilation is not addressed in this article.building envelope or a building system. Moisture sources that need to be kept out of building Second, determine if any of the moisture sources cansystem can be categorized into three main groups:be eliminated.Sometimes a source can be eliminatedSurface water impacting building foundation and or at least minimized.However, many moistureexterior envelope, sources cannot be eliminated and then must be addressed. Subsurface water impacting building foundation Third, the building envelope must be constructedand floor, andand maintained to protect from moisture exposure. Indoor sources impacting exterior building envelope.Fourth, remove any accumulated moisture from theTheprimarysurfacewatersourceisdueto building system. precipitation from rain or melting snow.Surface The first two steps of identification and eliminationwater will almost always exist so it cant be eliminated can be considered straight forward.The third step ofasasource;therefore,thebuildingsystemmust beprotectedfromexposuretosurfacewater. continued on page: 2120 / FRAME BUILDER - NOV2023'