b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINETable of Contents8-10Key Employee Incentive/Retention PlansThe TABLE OF CONTENTSNew ParadigmWith the onslaught of Covid-19, our country went from a period of record employment to record unemployment.SinceJanuary, ourbusinesscommunityhas experienced a flip in talent demand unlike anything it has ever seen before. Key talent was in demand and could essentially name their price when making a career move. Everything has changed.20-25Research & Technology:Moisture Problems and SolutionsKeeping Water and Moisture OutMoisture problems are relatively easy toidentifyliquidwaterordamp, wet materials exists where it shouldnt. However, determining the best solution foraparticularmoistureproblem isnotstraightforwardbecauseone solutiondoesnotfitallsituations.4 / FRAME BUILDER - NOV2023'