b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINEheat safety coordinator with no more than twenty employees to observe. For employees working at a worksite alone, you will need to maintain two-way communications with the solo employee and make contact with the employee at least every two hours. Also, before the shift starts if you have SAFETY UPDATEdetermined there is a high heat trigger, you will have to notify your employees of drinking plenty of water, their right to, at their election, take rest breaks if needed, and remind them how to seek all took the rest breaks scheduled for them. Underhelp and the procedures to take in a the new standard, it appears that employees willheat emergency.have more to say about if and when they feel theyIf you find the indoor worksite is under need to take a rest break. excessively high heat temperatures (exceeding Finally, you, the employer, must maintain120F) on a regular basis, you will be required to effective communications with your employeespost warning signs, which are legible, visible, and in the field. You are required to regularlyunderstandable for employees entering the work communicate with your employees. Again, be sureareas.you document what you are doing to comply withThere is a long list of steps to take for heat the standard and to protect your employees. Also,illness and emergency response/planning in the you must document those cases when you feel younew standard. We will be doing a webinar on these can deviate from the protections required by therequirements in the near future, and we will get standard. Because we will now have a standard,into much more detail on these requirements at you will no longer have all of the flexibility tothat time.comply as you did under the General Duty Clause.Finally, we move on to situations whereSimilarly, there is a long list of topics and employees will be working in conditions abovematerials to be covered in your formal training. the high heat trigger. When the work environmentAnnual refresher training is also a requirement. moves into this area, you will have to implementAlso, there is a list of topics you need to discuss some changes. First, you will be required toas part of your supervisor training. For those provide all employees fifteen-minute rest breakswho know me, you know that my first focus is every two hours. You may count a meal breakprotection of employees and secondarily to that is as a rest break, but you cannot count the time itmy concern about OSHA compliance and avoiding takes them to don or doff their equipment as aOSHA citations and fines. So, while I am and rest break. will be discussing OSHA compliance, I will also remind you of areas and topics that are important, When working with a high heat trigger,even though not a part of the standard. you must observe your employees for signs and symptoms of heat illness. This will include a mandatory buddy system where workers observe each other, or observation by a supervisor or 32 / FRAME BUILDER - DEC2023'