b"THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINEWORKPLACE VIOLENCE: REDUCING THE RISKAbstract: Workplace violence can cause tremendous human suffering and impact productivity for years. Employers can be sued for damages by injured employees, customers and members of the public, as well as the families of deceased victims. A workplace violence prevention program can mitigate the risk of tragedy.BUSINESS MANAGEMENTPhillip M. PerryAavailable). And workplace violence disgruntled employee opened fire at a small Philadelphia-area business earlier this year,is the third leading cause of fatal killing two fellow employees and injuringoccupational injuries in the United three others. The tragic event added more numbersStates, according to a report from to the nationwide toll of gun-related fatalities,the Occupational Safety and Health highlighting the ongoing reality of workplaceAdministration (OSHA).violence in America.At least one state has taken steps to reduce the Any exposure to the news media today will revealdanger. The California legislature recently passed a that incidents of workplace violence occur quitelaw requiring employers with more than ten workers frequently across the country, said Ed Sherman, anto create and disseminate a Workplace Violence organizational and public safety consultant. MostPrevention Plan, said Kathleen Bonczyk, founder of business owners and employees recognize this is athe Workplace Violence Prevention Institute. The significant issue and it's something that should bestandard must include employee training, along addressed. with anti-retaliation and grievance procedures. I The facts are clear: The Bureau of Labor Statisticspredict we will see more jurisdictions do something reports 392 workplace homicides and 37,060 non- similar in coming years.fatal workplace injuries resulting from intentionalWarning signsharm in 2020 (the last year for which data areThe toll in human suffering from workplace 10 / FRAME BUILDER - VOL5 3"