b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEfor employers when the measurements are above the initialThe new standard also addresses acclimatization. heat trigger. First, the employer must provide access toIt requires that new employees be acclimated by gradual potable water for drinking. This is water that is placed inacclimatization, with the employee exposure to heat locations readily accessible to employees, suitably cool,being restricted to no more than 20% the first day, 40% and in sufficient quantities to provide at least one quarton the second day, and so forth until fully acclimated. For of drinking water per employee per hour. Also, therereturning employees, you must reacclimate them by no is an explanation of the requirement for break areas atmore than 50% of a normal work shift the first day, 60% outdoor and indoor work areas. For outdoor work areas,the second day and 80% on the third day. An exception to the employer must provide areas for employees to takethis requirement exists if the employer can demonstrate breaks that can accommodate the number of employeesthat the employee consistently worked under the same or on break and which are accessible to the work area andsimilar conditions as the employers working conditions provide artificial shade from a tent or pavilion, (but notwithin the prior fourteen days.from equipment), or air conditioning in an enclosure. ForRest breaks if needed. This is a significant change indoor work areas, the employer must provide a meansfrom the NIOSH criteria document regarding rest breaks. to get increased air movement with fans or comparableUnder the new standard, the employer must allow and natural ventilation.Air conditioning is also an availableencourage employees to take paid rest breaks, if needed, mechanism. If the employer has radiant heat sourcesto prevent overheating. Interpretating the NIOSH Criteria inside the facility, it must take steps to effectively reduceDocument, the employer had to make sure the employees employee exposure to the radiant heat source.continued on page: 32DARK SHADOW135 Years Limited EditionComing in Mid-SeptemberCat. # 29300 Type 80 AS-2 Combo Set 48 & 24Cat. # 37300 Type 196-2 Combo Set 48 & 24Cat. # 36300 Type 196 TECH Level 16 www.stabila.com FRAME BUILDER - VOL4 6 / 31'