b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINErequirements the employer has under the standardincrease in outdoor temperature, which has the to its employees for both the initial and high heatpotential to increase heat exposure indoors.triggers. When working outdoors, employersIn this standard there is a section which are required to monitor the heat conditionsremoves the obligation for heat testing under at the work site. This can be accomplished bycertain conditions. This section states that you, tracking the National Weather Service (NWS)the employer, can assume that the temperature or other reputable sources. From here, you needat the work area is at or above both the initial to determine the heat index at the site. And, youheat and high heat triggers and implement the are expected to monitor the heat index withsteps for the high heat trigger without repeating SAFETY UPDATEsufficient frequency to determine with reasonablesteps to determine the necessary protection for accuracy employees exposure to heat. your employees. Basically, it appears that if you Indoor work areas have much the sameassume that your employees are exposed to high requirements. The employer for employeesheat and you protect them accordingly, you can working indoors must identify each work areabe excused from all monitoring requirements where there is a reasonable expectation thatin the standard. This gives you relief you do not employees will be exposed to heat at or above theget in other standards, such as working with air initial heat trigger. This section also requires thecontaminants, etc. employer to reassess whenever there is a change inThe standard sets out several requirements production, equipment, controls, or a substantial continued on page: 31945-366730 / FRAME BUILDER - VOL5 3'