b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINEOSHA HEAT ILLNESS PREVENTION STANDARDSAFETY UPDATEBy:Gary AumanAuman, Mahan & FurryO SHA is ahead of schedule, for a change.1910.148. While this is a general While acting Secretary of Labor Su statedindustry standard, it will also impact about forty-five days ago that OSHA wouldthe construction industry as stated in be issuing a proposed rule for heat illness preventionproposed standard 1926.67. Standard 1926.67 states in October 2024, OSHA released the new standard onthat the requirements for heat illness prevention July 2, 2024. The indication is that this proposed ruleapplicable to construction under that section are will become a final rule and that it will be enforceableidentical to the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.148. sixty days after it is published in the Federal Register.The proposed rule appears to follow the five steps That publication has not yet been made. As soon asin the NIOSH Criteria Document. the proposed rule is published, we will advise ourThe Proposed Rule (PR) addresses two trigger members. As indicated, the standard will becomepoints. An initial heat trigger is identified as a heat enforceable within sixty days of that publication dateindex of 80F while a high heat trigger means a however, that time may be extended if challenges toheat index of 90F. The standard also defines heat the new standard are filed. index as combining the ambient temperature and The new proposed standard will be numberedhumidity. As I have already stated, the standard 28 / FRAME BUILDER - VOL5 3'