b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEStep 4. Trial and reputation can be damaged, and the uncertainty Every day we see trial attorneys winning cases thatof the outcome can result in a high degree of stress appear to be irrational, absurd, and without merit.and anxiety. Many attorneys will even pursue a bad case if theyAttorneys exploit all of these factors when they sue can find a defendant with the ability to pay. They hopeyou. The attorneys know that you may be willing that they can obtain a settlement or convince the juryto settle the caseeven if the case holds little or no to award cash to the injured, needy plaintiff from themeritjust to have it behind you. If you have available comparatively wealthy defendant. Many jurors haveand reachable assets, the attorneys know they have freely admitted that they have overlooked whether theleverage to get you to settle. Many attorneys make defendant was at fault if they felt sorry for the plaintiff.a living collecting settlement after settlement from Step 5. Judgmentinnocent defendants (victims). This is what we call If the plaintiff (person filing the lawsuit) wins the triallegal extortion. and the defendant (the person they are suing) is foundConclusionresponsible for the injury or loss, the court renders aThe best way to defend against a lawsuit it to take judgment to compensate the plaintiff for their injuryaway the financial incentive of attorneys to prevent the and/or loss. It is now routine for judgments to be inlawsuit from ever happening. If you have no reachable the millions of dollars.and seizable assets, the trial attorneys strategies of Step 6. Collect on Judgment legal extortion will not be effective against you. With The court provides the judgment but the judgmentproper asset protection in place, attorneys will not is of no value if there is no way to collect on thewant to pursue a lawsuit against you.judgment. While a family could win a wrongful death judgment against a murderer, many murderers do not have enough assets to justify a lawsuit. For this reason, it is rare for a murderer to be sued for the wrongly death of their victim.An exception to this was in the case of O.J. Simpson. Although he was found not guilty during his murder trial, O.J. was sued by the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and was found liable for their wrongful deaths. The courts awarded a judgment of $33.5 million in damages to the victims families. O.J. Simpson was sued because he had assets which the attorneys felt they could collect on. While the attorneys for the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman have been able to collect on some of the $33.5 million judgment, most of the judgement hasCupolasnot been collected. Now, decades later, the attorneysWe have cupolas tot all needs.continue to work to collect on the judgment. Barns, Houses, Garages, etc.Cupolas are made from PVC,Settlement Metal & Copper, and can beAnytime during the lawsuit process you can comepainted or stainedto match!to a settlement to end the lawsuit. Attorneys know that even if you win a lawsuit against you, you still I H O P E Y O U H A V E B E E N lose because it costs you thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend yourself. The cost to defend yourself, even against a frivolous lawsuit, can cost hundreds B A R N D O I N S P I R E D ! of thousands of dollars. The trial will also take time and cause mental and emotional strain. Your privacy4 Township Drive 717.288.2630THE BARNDOMINIUM LADY Paradise, PA 17562 www.RoyalCrowne.com FRAME BUILDER - VOL5 3 / 17'