b'TECHNICAL & RESEARCHLOW-RISE FOAM ADHESIVE TESTINGPART2Introduction of specific material properties of low-rise foam TheMRCATechnicalandResearch(T&R)insulation adhesive. The work performed included CommitteecollaboratedwithWiss,Janney,review, testing, and analysis tasks to compare Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) to expand uponphysicalandchemicalpropertiesaswellas the low-rise foam adhesive research and testingtensile strengths of adhesives manufactured by program that was performed in 2019. The 2021two separate manufacturers. The primary focus of research and testing phase is a continuation of thethe work was to evaluate the impact of application program initiated in 2019 which involved testingtemperature and shelf life on the strength and/low-rise foam adhesive to determine the impact ofor physical properties of low-rise foam adhesive.variation in foam ribbon spacing on ultimate roofReview of roofing industry market conditions in uplift capacity. The scope of work for the 2021the United States between approximately 2018 research and testing was developed in responseand 2021 revealed some variability in product to the following problem statement presented tooffering and availability during this time frame; WJE by the MRCA T&R Committee: What effecttherefore, the MRCA felt it would be useful to does shelf life and application temperature havecompare low-rise foam adhesive product offered on the tensile strength of low-rise foam adhesives?by more than one manufacturer to help answer The 2021 protocol focused on review and analysisthe research question identified above regarding 6 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'