b'COMMITTEE OVERVIEWSSafety CommitteeMembership and Marketing Committee Chairperson: Naphis Mitchell Reyes, Empire Roofing, Inc.Fort Worth, TXChairperson: Ronnie McGlothlin, Empire Roofing,Purpose: The purpose Inc.Fort Worth, TX ofthisCommitteeis Purpose: This Committee focuses on membershipto provide current and recruitment and retention, developing membershiprelevantinformation campaigns, supporting the events and activitiestoMRCAMembers of affiliate associations, and identifying emergingregardingthehealth businessandindustrytrendstoproducenewand safety of their staff and to support a membership benefits. The committee works closelycontinuous focus on a positive safety culture for the roofing industry. with the Conference and Expo Promotion CommitteeThis Committee monitors OSHA regulations and communicates to jointly promote membership and conference. findings to the membership as required. They are also responsible Projects: 2020s pandemic greatly shifted the focus of the Membership &for management of the SHARP Plus Safety Program and updates Marketing Committee from attending affiliate events (many of which wereof these resources. The Committee provides timely articles and canceled,) and centered on providing our membership with timely andseminar topics for the MRCA Conference as well. relevant information regarding COVID-19. As of late June, many states areProjects: This year the Committee has been working toward lifting their quarantine restrictions and as some of our affiliate associationsdevelopment of a Safety Certification Program designed for the are beginning to host events, we will pivot yet again to support our members,employee that handles safety at any given company. The Elite Safety affiliates, and the industry. Awards Program continues to be a popular and valuable service to MRCA Members with more members utilizing the program each year. This program offers a confidential review of key safety program elements with a fully customized written evaluation YOUNG CONTRACTORS COUNCIL by nationally renowned legal counsel, Gary Auman of Auman, Mahan & Furry. The evaluation also includes specific suggestions to encourage continuous improvement of MRCA Member safety Chairperson:AdrianHilton,KPostRoofing&programs and culture.WaterproofingDallas, TXPurpose:TheYoungContractorsCouncil(YCC) isaresourceforRoofingProfessionals40and under. Participation in this groupallows itsMembers toestablishindustry contactsandexperience growthbothpersonally and professionally.Peer- Editorial Boardbased interactions and mentorships are the easiest way to linkMembers with thebenefits that come withChairperson: Tracey Donels, Association membership. TheYCC gives afull scope ofK Post CompanyDallas, TXhow diverseour industry is, and how rewarding acareerPurpose: The Editorial Board has in the Roofing Industry can be. been given the task of improving the Projects:The YCChosts the Annual MRCA Conference and Expo Welcomeoverall look, feel and usefulness of Party. Next stop is Milwaukee, Wisconsin in November of 2021. The YCC willMRCAs bi-monthly publication, the also hosta hands-onservice project benefiting a cause local to the MilwaukeeMR Magazine, as well as expanding area. When you are at conference, check out these events and be sure to attendadvertisingopportunitiesto the YCC-sponsored educational session. roofing industry suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. Contact: For more information and to join the YCC, go to the YCC page onTo accomplish this, members of the Editorial Board mrca.org or find us on Facebook@MRCAYCC areresponsible forsuggesting andapproving outside content as well as acquiring relativecontent based on current activitiesfrom each Committee Chair. The Editorial Boardhasseta rigid publication schedulewhich includes deadlines forcontent submittaland production.6 | ANNUAL REPORT'