b"1heshould agree in their contract who will pro While you can require your staffing agencies to partiesprovide vide the required PPE.basic safetyg andsupply needed PPE in an OSHA trainin even 'The parties should agree on a procedure to share injuryinspection, you v-1:ill be measured againsthator w you have and illness information andit incontract.have notto provide temporarywith a safe work specifythedoneworkers 1he employer who is providingday-to-day supervisionenvironment. the must maintain injuryillness records.1bis includes confirmingthe staffing agency andthatapproupfor employees toy job 1he host employer must seta methodpriately trained all the temps before sending them toour reportandpromptly andsites. You mustbe satisfied that any PPE the temporary work-related injuriesillnessesalso inform each employee ofis procedure.workers bring to thesite is correctany job sites th jobforhazardHost employers shouldwithandgood condilion. Any temporarywhoto provide temporary workersis inworkercomes safety trainingis identical orto thata job site with a high heatx environment will have to be thatequivalentpro inde vided Lo their own employees.properly acclimatizedthatin accordance with toenvironment The host employer should provide the temporaryyour heatprevention program.workers workerillness1hosewill also beyourillness with site-specific safety and health training and projecthave totrained underheatprevention program. orientation.If you remembertreattemporaryas you toallworkers In light ofmemo and recommendedittreaturemployees, you shouldinwith OSHA'sguidelines,isyo ownbecompliance apparent thathostis requiredtemporaryOSHA's TWI. theemployerto treat workers theas they do theirworkers from a safety sameown perspective. Free Subscription To ROOFING CONTRACTOR All Roofing Contractors GoTowww.RoofingContractor.com And Click Subscribe Now l;J Jill Bloom Group Publis~'1@r 313.570.7151 fax 248.244.3949 Marcia WrightBloomJ@bnpmedia.comElizabeth Obloy Sales ManagerSales Manager 92S.600.8S71248.244.6423 Pax 92S.600.8S74Fax 248.244.3947 WrightM@bnpmedia.comObloyE@b:ipmedia.com"