b'Industry News Creative Ideas for Your Next Home Show J.Ellsworth, execuliveofatthat Heidivice-presidenlmarketingEagleview Technologies, Inc., saysmarketing through communityhas been aroundverytime. "1heretried and trueto eventsfor alongare someways workingevents, butalso are some newthatmight make a difference for future lead thesethereideasjust generation;\' she"Getting in front ofand sharingstoryintegrity, accuracy, states.potential customersaof dependabilitywinninghowget andis still key to gaining leads andjobs, butdoes a contractorthe attention ofand business ownersenough to deliver thatprovides roofing contractors homelongmessage?" Ellsworth somemarketing opportunities-suchfairs, open houses, and valuable tips for taking age-oldascommunity Ellsworthevents-andne tuningwith new-age ideas. Visil w-v\\,v.mcra.org to read more. fi them OSHA\'s Revised Hazard Communication Standard Health The Occupational Safety andAdministration (OSHA) has revised the Hazard Communication Standardto align wilhHealth HazardFlameExclamation Mark (HCS) the provisions of the Globallythe qualitySystem ofof the~~~ HarmonizedClassification andof1hebenefit~ LabelingChemicals (GHS).primary revised HCS is thatincreasesandofCarcinogenFlammablesIrritant {skin and eye) ilconsistency providedchemical informationto workers, employers, andusers Mutagenicity Pyrophorics Skin Sensitizer bya standardized approach toclassification, Reproductive Toxicity Sell-Heating Acute Toxicity (hannful) adoptinghazard Respiratory Sensitizer Emits Flammable Gas Narcotic Effects labels, and safety data. Major elements include Target Organ Toxicity Sell-Reactives Respiratory Tract hazard classification.IICS will evolve from a Aspiration Toxicity Organic PeroxidesIrritant 1heHazardous to Ozone performance-orientedwith substantial discretionLayer {Non-Mandatory) standard in howhazard ofsubslance is classified to a specific theaGas CylinderCorrosionExploding Bomb and detailed hazard classification approach. The new HCS0~~ provides specific criteria for theofand classificationhealth physical hazards as well as mixtures. labels. Chemical manufacturers and importers will beGases Under PressureSkin Corrosion/Explosives required to provide a label thatharmonizedBurns SellReactives includes asignal word, pictogram, hazard statement, and precautionary Eye Damage Organic PeroxidesCorrosive to Metals statements. Currently, manufacturers are required to provide only "appropriate hazardhas warnings; which traditionallyFlame Over CircleEnvironmentSkull resulted inoflabel formats and information quality.(Non-Mandatory)and Crossbones a variety SDSs thatin a specified 16-section format. are information and training. As of1, 2013, thethe~~~ December I:ICS required that workers bethe elements of trained in theOxidizersAquatic ToxicityAcute Toxicity standard to facilitale recognition and understanding of newanddata(fatal or toxic) labelssafetysheets. \'Ihebeing implemented4 years. By1, regulation isoverJune 2015, manufacturers must comply with all provisions offinal rule, theexception being thatship chemitheonlydistributers may cals previouslylabels until1, 2015. The final milestone date is June 2016, bytime manufacturers labeled with oldDecemberwhich hazardasand musl update alternative workplace labeling andcommunication programsnecessaryprovide additional employee trainingorhazards. for newly identified physicalhealth According to Kelly Sandin, manager, product stewardship Americas atnville, Denver, CO, the changes will positively Johns Maaffect roofing contractors in two main ways. First, pictograms help quickly convey physical hazards to users, includingnot those proficient inEnglish language. Second, having actionable andinformation onand handling thestandardizedstoragerequireandemployeefor a safer working ments allows for easiermore consistenttraining-andenvironment. www.mrca.org- MidwestRoofer7'