b'44 PRESIDENTS MESSAGECentralStates Insulation AssociationPresidents MessageCarl E. Hughes, II - Cascade Insulation Co.PRESIDENT W ow, it seems like theuseful from a fellow contractor or speaker.last of the snow just melted and here it isWhich leads seamlessly into my next topic.If you have Carl E. Hughes, II already the middle of summer.not already signed up, registration is open and the room A friend once told me that life is like a roll of toiletblock will be closing soon for our combined CSIA / ESICA paper -the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.Fall Conference at the newly opened Sunseeker Resort in God willing, I dont claim to be anywhere near the endPort Charlotte, Florida. With the CBA negotiations behind of that roll, I prefer to think Im only somewhere nearus now, this promises to be an outstanding event. The the middle, but they were definitely right - time surefall conference is always a fun time, plus its a chance seems to fly!to get together with our counterparts from ESICA,with whom many of us have developed lasting friendships I hope this message finds you doing well and enjoyingover the years since we combined our two associations your summer. What a year the first half of 2024 hasfor this event. In addition to trying out a brand-new been. The good news is most locals seem to be busy,resort, the conference will feature world-renowned but it certainly was not the year to be negotiating aKeynote Speaker, Lt. Waldo Waldman. In todays highly new CBA. The sheer craziness of our country rightcompetitive world of constant change, those who build now, inflation, rising prices of everything, and thetrust, lead with courage, and collaborate with others Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryuncertainty surrounding the upcoming election madewill dodge the missiles of adversity and win. During it a very difficult environment. his high energy, interactive keynote, decorated fighter pilot, New York Times bestselling author, executive At this writing, I believe all of our contracts within ourcoach, and Hall of Fame Speaker, Lt Col (ret.) Waldo association have been settled (with at least one stillWaldman will share tools to overcome obstacles, break awaiting a ratification vote), but at much higher wageperformance barriers, and take charge of change during increases than I think any of us had anticipated. I, foradverse times.one, know that I didnt have the increases built into my current bids. If you missed the spring labor conference,Youre not going to want to miss the 2024 Fall Conference, it was a very productive opportunity to discuss theseso please go online and sign up now at https://esica.situations we all faced, and even an opportunity toorg/eventshave some open dialogue with the Central States Conference union officials in attendance. It seems likeSo, until I see you in Port Charlotte, let this season be all the contractors in our conference are facing the samea reminder to live in the moment, savoring each long problems: a shortage of qualified manpower; difficultiessummer day. Heres to a summer filled with successful attracting and maintaining apprentices; increasing non- projects, satisfied clients, and continued growth and union competition;price increases. I guess its somewhatsuccess in your business. Make it your best summer yet!encouraging to know youre not alone in facing these challenges, and its good to get input from colleagues asGod Bless,to how they handle similar issues. Im sure the vendorsand God Bless Americaand manufacturers feel the same, sharing challenges they may be facing as well. If youre not careful, inCarl E. Hughes, II addition to eating great food, golfing, and socializingCSIA President at these conferences, you just might pick up somethingCascade Insulation Co.The InsulatorJuly 2024'