b'24 SafetyScan and MAXIMIZE watch to learn moreEFFICIENCY. SIMPLIFY INSTALLATION.OTHER BENEFITS INCLUDE:Excellent drainage performance comparedto other jacketing patterns.CUI prevention when installed with a weep hole.By using CrossFlos embossed diamond pattern to drawUnique aesthetic appearance, distinguishable from afar.straight cut lines, theres no longer any need for scratchProlongs the lifespan of a system by protecting the underlying lines and tape measures, making installation, faster,pipe and insulation, which limits the loss of thermal performance easier and more efficient. due to water absorption and reduces overall maintenance costs.Cross-Flo can be easily adjusted and lined up with neighboring sections. The pattern simply nests against adjacent sections during installation. JM.com1-800-866-3234that when they are working, or going to be working,(HIPP). One of the suggestions for the proposed rule is in a high heat index environment, they should avoidthat employers will be required to identify heat hazards drinkingalcoholandhighlycaffeinatedbeverages.by monitoring weather conditions or by measuring the They should be trained that it is best not to drink suchheat index in the areas where their employees are beverages on the job, but also before and after workworking.Employerswouldberequiredtomaintain each day. In other words, my feeling is that if employeesdocumentationoftheinformationtheyobtainwhile know they are going to go to a jobsite with a high heatthey are monitoring those conditions. Along this line, indexonMondaymorningandworktherethroughemployers may be required to maintain records of their Friday, they should avoid alcohol or highly caffeinatedtemperature monitoring data and to complete accident beveragesbeginningSundaynightuntiltheyarereports (OSHA 301s) for heat illnesses and injuries. finished with work on Friday. Employees should alsoThe indications I have seen is that OSHA is going to be be trained to a be aware that individuals with certainmore aggressive in the summer of 2024 in enforcing physical conditions, such as congestive heart failure,heat illness prevention measures by employers, still diabetes, kidney failure, etc. are more susceptible tounder the General Duty Clause, than it has been in developing heat illnesses than employees who havepast years. As soon as a final rule is published, we will not or are not suffering from those conditions. review it and provide another bulletin for you pointing out the requirements for all employers in construction Underthecurrentpreliminarylanguage,theand general industry as a result of the new rule.standard may require employers to maintain and create a written Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Program The InsulatorJuly 2024'