b'Safety CSIA 23schedule you choose to use, whether they are thirstyworking in a high heat index environment, and during or not. all rest breaks. Supervisors should be trained that if they notice an employee exhibiting symptoms of heat Thefourthcomponentofagoodheatillnessillness, they need to get him/her to a cooling-off areaCENTRAL STATES INSULATION ASSOCIATIONprevention program is to provide cooling-off areas inas soon as possible and they should take whatever close proximity to the jobsite for all employees. Thetime it takes to make sure the employee gets to the cooling-off areas are locations in which employeescooling-off area. should take their rest breaks. They should be available to employees to use any time they begin to feel the illFinally,wecometoemployeetraining.First, effects of working in a high heat index environment.employeesshouldbetrainedonthehazardsof Some regulators have opined that a cooling-off areaworkinginahighheatindexenvironment,the should have an ambient temperature of approximatelydifferent types of heat illnesses that may occur, and 76F. This might be difficult to achieve on a constructionthe symptoms of each one. They should be trained work site, but if the heat index gets very high and/orto recognize the symptoms in themselves or others. employees begin to feel symptoms of heat illnesses,Supervisors need to understand that when working you should provide access to air-conditioned cooling- in a height index environment, it is their responsibility offareas.Tothisend,youmighthaveemployeesto keep an eye on all employees working for them for use company vehicles with air conditioning as theirsigns and symptoms of heat illness. They should also cooling-off location. Employees should be told wherebe trained on the steps they are to take whenever the cooling-off areas are, that they are free to usethey observe an employee suffering from heat illness. them any time they feel any adverse symptoms fromTraining should also include a reminder to employees csiaonline.org'