b"(continued from page 6)Poisonous attitudes dont come from a void. ItsGoruk also suggests making a personal connection important to understand why Margareta made herwith Carlos to discover what gives him joy. The comment, said Shep Hyken, customer servicesupervisor may be able to find ways to introduce consultant. The first step is to consider her worknuggets of joy into his negative viewpoint or history. Did she start out contented, and at a certainconversation. point become upset or unhappy? If so, that information can be helpful in a coaching session toBonus tip: Supervisors can help create positive uncover the reason she is so negative about thefeelings in the staff by taking the lead in celebrating company.team successes and developing recognition programs. Schedule a coaching session that is positive in its nature. State something like, I heard you make thisStay positive comment. I'm very concerned about it. I want to understand why that was made. What happened toThere is no universal formula when dealing with you to make you want to say that? This approachnegative employees. Because everyones background tells Margareta that you are on her side. You want tois a little different, success lies in determining a alleviate any workplace pressures that are affectingtailored response. her performance. All solutions, though, tend to share one This is a perfect opportunity to uncover anythingcommonality: They rely on a proactive supervisor to wrong in the company that might be affecting otherarrange for a counseling session, determine the cause employees.Is it a certain process? The behavior of aof toxic behavior, and blaze a path forward. colleague? A supervisor?Schedule a transparent and clear conversation about what has transpired with the negative worker and Once you have this information you can take steps towhy their behavior is not okay, said Dennis alleviate any negative workplace problem. You canTheodorou, Managing Director at JMJ Phillip Group also coach Margareta on steps she can take to adopt a(jmjphillip.com). Exhibit some understanding and positive attitude. empathy and encourage employees to open up about underlying issues. Then set expectations for the Bonus tip: Toxic bosses are the number one reasonfuture. good employees quit their jobs. Longer range, supervisors should emphasize the positive in employee relations. The management 6.Carlos pooh-poohs every idea other employeeshabit of only pointing out negatives can create an (and managers) suggestunhealthy work environment, said Theodorou. While you have to be firm but fair with employees Carloss supervisor should first try to uncover whatswhen things are not going in the right direction, you causing the negativity, said Randy Goruk, presidentmust also recognize and reward those same of The Randall Wade Group, Scottsdale, AZemployees when things are going right.(leadersedge360.com). Are there challenges at home? Is something happening in the workSIDEBAR: Are You Dealing Effectively with environment?Negative Workers? Are you taking the right steps to rehabilitate toxic If Carlos is being negative about a certain topic, thenworkers and promote a positive workplace? To find ask for solutions that can turn the negative into aout, take the quiz below. Give yourself 10 points for positive. If you cant do what he suggests, explaineach Yes answer to these questions. Then total why and explore alternatives.your points to see how prepared you are for your next show. Longer range, the supervisor should also make a point of showing appreciation and recognition to Carlos1. Are you acting early when spotting negative when he does something worthy of it. Emphasize hisbehavior? skills and value to the organization. Being available2. Do you meet privately with toxic workers to and approachable to all employees sends a signal thatuncover their motivations? you want to hear what they have to say.(continued to page 8) 7"