b"(continued from page 5) be targeted. Revenues will likely be affected. habits, as elucidated in Step One. If she has beenwilling to perform extra duties in the past, what hasYou should talk to Julia to say you have observedchanged in the organization? her behavior and it is not acceptable, saidAnastasiia Khyzhniak, Talent Enablement Director Step three: Determine solutions. Rather than imposeat Jooble (jooble.org). She needs to understand thata solution from above, ask Sandy to suggest a pathsuch actions create a bad environment for other forward. If she feels her skills are inadequate to the workers, turn off customers and create a bad image new duties, that can be solved with additionalfor the company in the community. Even if atraining. If the problem is personnel clashes, this cancustomer had not overheard her remark, imposing be solved with counseling for all involved.negative sentiments on another employee can create a toxic workplace. Bonus tip: Remind recalcitrant employees thatmost job descriptions include a phrase requiringThe trick here is to avoid being too negative in tone employees to perform other duties as assigned.before you get Julias side of the story. Perhaps she was having an especially bad day or other factors 3.Joseph is in the habit of talking over othersplayed into the event. Start the conversation by in meetingsgiving positive feedback about Julias performance in general, said Khyzhniak. Highlight her positive traits and tell her she has a huge future with the Failure to deal with an overbearing team member cancompany. Then go on to say that you are addressing create morale and productivity problems whenher recent performance from a place of care. Note employees feel their contributions are belittled.that the behavior you observed will get in the way of her advancement if it continues.Have a sit-down meeting with Joseph and explain how their behavior is affecting other people,It may be that rude behavior on the part of a suggests Deanna Baumgardner, President atcustomer sparked Julias outburst. If so, Julia needs Employers Advantage (employersadvantagellc.com).instruction on productive engagement of suchSay something like, We've noticed youre talkingsituations. A better way to handle a rude customer over people, you're talking loudly and interrupting.is to give direct but polite feedback, setting We need to give other people the opportunity toreasonable personal boundaries, said Khyzhniak. If share. Here's what we expect from you. ThenJulia feels the need to blow off steam, she should do provide guidance on how Joseph should pause hisso outside of work with her friends. She might even own statements to let others contribute.be encouraged to come to you to vent.Despite Josephs best efforts to improve, he mayFinally, agree on some outcomes. Julia can commit occasionally lapse. If his intrusions continueto not repeat her offense. She can also make a unchallenged, other employees will lose respect forconscious effort to adopt a certain kind of positive the manager. Its wise to speak up and createbehavior with the public that will help her advance in opportunities for other people to express their ideas.the company. This can be done with a statement as simple as, Joseph, thank you for your feedback. Now let's hearOver the coming weeks, monitor Julias behavior to from somebody else.assess her progress. At an appropriate time, praise Bonus tip: Ask Joseph if he would like coaching onJulia for her behavior or schedule another counseling how to communicate well in group settings.session.Bonus tip: Create a workplace environment in which 4.Julia is bad-mouthing a customer to aemployees feel free to come to you to unbottle colleague, and another customer overhearsfrustrations that can impede their performance. her remarks 5.You hear Margareta tell a customer Customers have long memories. When they hear anManagement really stinks here employee make negative remarks about a fellow customer, they will start to wonder if they will also (continued to page 7) 6"