b'Construction tops list ofWhat leadership skills most happiest workforcesbenefit your employees?Your leadership skills can significantly affect your employees, so it is important you work to develop skills that highly benefit your workers and your company. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce offers the follow-ing leadership skills that can help your employees grow and succeed.A recent report from human resources tech company1.Decisiveness. Decisiveness shows others you Bamboo HR shows the construction industry has thetrust your instincts and experience. Decisive happiest workforce of all sectors, according toleaders make decisions quickly, commit to them Construction Dive.and see them through to execution. 2.Delegation. The best leaders know they cannot do everything themselves and understandBamboo HR measured the Employee Net Promoterdelegating allows them to focus on higher-level Score at more than 1,600 companies, calculating howwork. Delegating also empowers employees to likely workers were to recommend their company as atake on new challenges and demonstrate their place to work during the past three years. In additionvalue to their team. to construction, the company surveyed workers in the3.Resilience. Resilient leaders can handletechnology; finance; nonprofit; restaurants, food andsetbacks, adapt to change and calmly face high levels of pressure. Running a business is stress-beverage; travel and hospitality; education; and healthful, and you can develop resilience by care industries.recognizing every challenge comes with new opportunities. The report attributed construction workers happiness4.Integrity. Leaders who are honest and always to rising wages and numerous job opportunities butact according to their values gain more trust and also warned the industrys labor shortage will putloyalty from employees. When you havepressure on existing employees in the coming months.integrity, your employees are more likely to demonstrate positive workplace behaviors. From January to May, construction worker happiness5.Flexibility. Leaders should use cognitive dropped 81%, which the report said likely was a resultflexibility, which means you use different think-of the pressure caused by staffing issues.ing strategies in your planning and daily work; emotional flexibility, which means you can vary Although employee happiness across industries hasyour approach when handling your emotions and fluctuated during the past three years, constructionthe emotions of others; and dispositional flexibility, which means you see the situation employees happiness generally has remained high.realistically but still are optimistic about a better However, the industry continues to struggle with itsfuture. high suicide rate and high overdose mortality rate.6.Persuasion. Leaders must be able to persuade employees and shareholders to see and believe in Construction workers happiness peaked in 2020 astheir vision. residential projects boomed and contractors experi-enced deep backlogs, offering job security forEmpathy. Empathetic leaders build strong work-place relationships, anticipate employees needs and workers. In addition, in 2022, hourly constructionstep in when they need extra support. Empathetic wages reached a 40-year high, and the Infrastructureleaders are approachable and actively listen, which Investment and Jobs Act helped to create high demandcreates an environment where everyone feels safe to for construction work.share ideas. 11'