b'How Can Employers Reduce the Risk4 Common Succession Planning Mistakes of Injury for New Hires?The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports almost a third of nonfatal injuries in the workplace involve employees who have been on the job for less than a year, according to Safety+Health magazine. These injuries often are serious, with nearly 25% resulting in more than a month of lost time.The first 90 days reportedly are especially dangerous for new hires because they may lack some of the knowledge needed to avoid getting injured on the jobAs construction industry leaders approach retirement, site. New hires also may be unfamiliar with risk succession planning becomes a crucial part of the assessments, less comfortable using personal conversation. protective equipment and unsure of who to approach if they have questions about safety issues.ConstructioNext offers the following common suc-cession planning mistakes and how to address them In Safety+Health magazine, Larry Pearlman, seniorbefore it is too late. safety consultant for SafeStart, Belleville, Ontario, offers some steps employers can take to help keep new1.You involve human resources too soon. Although hires safe.it is important to consult human resources later in Give a green hat and/or vest to visually identifythe process, it is not necessary at the beginningnew hires. This invites co-workers to coach,especially for small to midsize contractorsand mentor and intervene and can help accelerate learn- can complicate the situation by adding another ing while keeping new employees safe.voice to an already crowded group. However, if you have specific questions related to human New hires must receive a safety orientation on theresources, include the department in the first day. Safety professionals should take time toconversation. discuss the practical realities of the job site with new workers.2.You use an outside advisory board of consultants. Ask more experienced employees to share theirAn outside board can include individuals such as insights. They can meet with new hires to set your accountant, attorney and insurance agent. expectations, share personal stories and emphasizeAlthough these professionals can contribute to a the need to build a strong safety culture.succession plan, people who truly understand Be sure it is clear to new workers how stop-workyour position should be your external consultants, authority can be exercised, including who theysuch as fellow businesspeople who know what it should talk to and how they can raise safety takes to run a company and can offer unique concerns. They need to know they can stop workinsights from their own experiences. without fear of reprisal. 3.You use only a top-down approach. Involving Ensure team leaders connect and engage with newsenior leaders is fine, but it is crucial you include hires, who need to be familiar with the names of theirtheir likely successors. You also should bring in a leaders. Leaders should make sure new hires knowfew representatives for the mid- to lower-level their well-being is valued.employees to offer transparency. Having diverse representation helps align all parties as your company plans for the future.4.You excessively defer to senior leadership. Although you respect your companys senior leaders, deferring primarily to them does not help set up junior leadership and employees forsuccess when senior leaders are ready to retire. Listen to everyones thoughts and remember that junior employees will one day be the seniorleadership.18'