b'Either way, Wilber needs help. Schedule a one-on-one conversation with the goal of shifting Wilbers perspective so he begins to recognize the scope of his problem. Be open and non-judgmental so Wilberfeels comfortable revealing any personal challenges that are affecting his performance. Set your frustrations aside and be genuinely curious about why Wilber is late so often, said Cormier. Perhaps Wilber has personal challenges that are causing the problem. Some mental health conditions Phillip Perrycan make it more challenging for employees to arriveon time, said Cormier. Gently ask him about how Managing the Toxic Employee he is doing, giving him the opportunity to share Toxic employees can destabilize a workplace, depresswithout pressuring him to open up. Regardless of team morale and erode a companys bottom line.Wilbers answer, his manager can remind him of any Supervisors need to identify damaging behavior andavailable personal resources such as an employee take corrective actions that turn negative workers intoassistance program (EAP). positive performers. Longer range, employers must create supportive workplaces by recognizing employeeThe meeting should, above all, be solutions oriented. achievements as well as failures.Be clear that the goal of the conversation is to step away from excuses, understand the bigger picture and come up with a lasting solution. Wilber always arrives late. Margareta constantly badmouths her employer. Joseph talks over others in# Bonus tip: Schedule follow-up meetings so Wilber meetings.is held accountable for improvement and can request needed support. Welcome to the employees from hell. Their toxicity creates a negative workplace, causes resignations by colleagues, and threatens the bottom lines of the best2.Sandy keeps saying Its not my job when businesses.asked to do a task What to do? Here are the actions supervisors can take to turn negative workers into positive performers. Recalcitrant employees who appeal to the constraints of their job description can frustrate the best of managers. The traditional solution was to throw 1.Wilber is chronically late for workand alwaysdown a gauntlet: get to work or get fired. But that has a good excuse. can create morale problems that affect team performance and erode profitability. Instead, undertake a three-step plan designed to uncover the Chronic lateness inconveniences colleagues andhidden reason for Sandys behavior. creates a dysfunctional workplace. Dealing effectively with Wilber is a two-step process, saidStep One: Assess the situation. What does your Eric Cormier, Manager of HR Services at Insperityhistory with Sandy tell you in terms of her (Insperity.com). The first is to find out the realwillingness to get a little bit stretched in the work she reasons why Wilber struggles to arrive on time. Thedoes? poses Bob Verchota, senior consultant at second is to help him connect the dots to solve theRPVerchota & Associates, Minneapolis. Is her problem.reluctance something new, or did it start at a certain time? And is it related to one specific task, or Keep in mind that Wilber may be just as frustrated asmany? The answers to these questions can provide you by his chronic tardiness. The fact that Wilberclues to possible causes. always has a good excuse indicates either that he cannot see the bigger picture for his tardiness, or he isStep two: Ask Sandy for input about her motivations. resisting taking accountability, said Cormier.Have a frank conversation with Sandy, suggests Verchota. Cover what you know about her work (continued to page 6) 5'