b'messenger MIDWEST INSULATION CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 7250 POE AVE., SUITE 410 - DAYTON, OH 45414 - micainsulation.org VOLUME 57NO.11 NOVEMBER 2023 WHATS INSIDE THIS MONTH:force pats me down. I found myself relating to the Dillon James - MICA Young ProfessionalJohnny Cash lyrics Ive been everywhere, man. Presidents Message MICA Leadership/Board of DirectorsWhat I took away from my time behind the steering Seven Tips to Help Workers Stay Safe in Coldwheel, is that companies are not built around 1 Weatherperson. There are so many people involved with the Managing the Toxic Employeesimplest orders we deal with, and lots of things have Five Reasons Employee Awareness ofto fall into place for an order to be completed. And Cybersecurity is Crucialeven then, the job is not done yet. Save these Dates Construction Tops List of Happiest WorkforcesAs I transitioned into the office for more of a sales What Leadership Skills Most Benefit Your role, I learned quickly just how many people were Employees?involved with something as simple as I have aHow Can Employers Reduce the Risk of Injury fororder, heres what I need. Keeping inventory levels New Hires?high, quoting future work accurately and executing Common Succession Planning Mistakesrush orders same-day all while trying to prepare for MICA Fall Business Meeting Highlightsthe next day of chaos This is a fast-paced world, Dillon Jamesand we are constantly being asked to step up to the plate. This is where your team comes into play. MICA Young Professional You could be a lone wolf outside salesperson, spend-My name is Dillon James, I am theing weeks out on the road at a time. Or you could general manager at 4 State Supplyfeel like youre just another warm body who answers Lenexa, KS. My prior experiencethe phone for someone else. My point is you need to with insulation is like most other people in this recognize your team. Whether thats the 30 people industry, I had no idea it existed. My experienceyou have in your daytime office, or your family wait-started with a family-owned business which was ining for you at home. Lean on your team because they need of a delivery driver. Someone who could showwill be leaning on you. Lift up your team because at up early, hustle from delivery to delivery whiletimes you will need to be lifted up. bringing the customers the items they neededquickly, and most important, accurately. At the end of the day, you need to acknowledge when someone does exceptional work. Invest in your I was able to learn the material, jobsites, customersteam, they will be there when you need them most. and see parts of the city that most of the population doesnt get to see. From driving through the un-manned gates of an agricultural plant in the middle of nowhere Kansas. To having automatic weapons trained on my truck while the federal reserve security 1'