b'Find us at. On Deck with Morgan7 things about Rachel Pinkus mRCAofmrca.org Lifelong resident of the Greater Dayton, OH AreaWright State University GraduateOwner of 2 Pitt Bulls (Rhino & facebook.com/mymrca Dasha) and passionate Pitt Bull advocateEnjoys riding motorcycles with her boyfriendKeeps a salt water fish tankLikes to sew coats for her pupsFast Faves 17+ years in Construction Trade Association Managementtwitter.com/MidwestRoofer BlueSushiPulp FictionGuns & Roseslinkedin.com/company/midwest-roofing-contractors-associationfacebook.com/Young-Contractors-Council-219124635109694/timeline10 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'