b'Committee OverviewsTechnical and Research CommitteeChairperson:RandyAdams,R.AdamsCommittee.The T&R Committee felt that it was important for MRCA Roofing, Inc.Indianapolis, Indiana to become an organizational member and to become more active Purpose:The T&R Committees primarywithin ASTM.T&R Committee Chairman Randy Adams is the MRCA purpose is to perform the investigation andrepresentative to ASTM.analysis of any and all roofing materials,CERTA: T&R is directing a lot of time and resources systems and products which are or may betoward the promotion of CERTA, to the extent applied or used by the Associations membersthat CERTA will be reported on separately in this as determined by the Technical & ResearchAnnual Report.Committee. Roof Wind Designer: MRCA joined with NRCA and NERCA to Projects: Reflectivity Study: The MRCA Reflectivity Study is goingupdate the Roof Wind Designer calculator.The update is now to be officially presented at the American Society of Heatingcomplete and posted on the MRCA website.and Ventilating Engineers (ASHRAE) at their Annual ConferenceBest Practices: T&R is beginning to get involved in development scheduled for January, 2017 in Las Vegas.T&R Committeeof some Best Practices articles.The first of this series of articles will Consultant, Dr. Matt Dupuis will be presenting the study at thebe coming out in MR prior to the MRCA Conference and EXPO this conference on behalf of MRCA. coming fall.ASTM: MRCA has invested in membership andLooking Outside The Box: T&R is doing some preliminary study become active in ASTM.ASTM is an Internationalof several concepts that are different from its past approach to standards development organization. ASTMindustry problems.It is looking to reach out to possible partners on standards are used in contracts, specifications, plans,testing with manufactures that you would not think of as traditional and regulations.ASTM has a direct impact on themanufacturers of roofing products, but that still have an impact on Roofing and Waterproofing Industry through its D08our industry.The Committee is also looking at the vast amount of educational information that can be extracted and processed just Past Presidents Council by using the resource of our own membership, and then passing on this information for the benefit of the entire membership.Chairperson: Larry Marshall, L. Marshall Roofing& Sheet Metal Glenview, ILIn his year as MRCA President, Larry Marshall recognized how the addition of a Past Presidents Council could be beneficial to MRCA and began the planning process for implementation of the Council.Now, completing its first year, the Council has decided to begin work on publishing volume II of the HistoryChairs Committeeof MRCA.As a part of that process the Council hasChairperson: Bob Schenkel, C.L. requested that all Past Presidents send into the MRCASchust Company, Inc.Fort Wayne, office materials and a summary of their year as MRCA President, which would beIndianamade a part of Volume II.The responses have been very good and a lot of veryPurpose: The Chairs committee interesting material has been provided, which will make Volume II even moreenhances communication between interesting. The time frame for publishing Volume II has been set for release at thethe Executive Committee and the 2017. standing committee structure. The The Council has also planned for the Past Presidents Dinner being held at theChairs committee is comprised of Annual Conference and EXPO.This November marks the third year of the Pastthe Executive Committee and the Presidents Dinner, and each year it has grown in participation.Chair of each Committee.The Past Presidents Council have their meetings scheduled in conjunction withProjects: In addition to providing transparency and a the MRCA Board and Committee Meeting held throughout the year.With Councilcollaborative environment for MRCAs committee work, participation increasing, more is sure to be heard from this group as anotherthis Committee has also worked closely with the Advisory MRCA/Roofing Industry resource. Council and the Convention Promotion Committee to build a stellar educational lineup for the MRCA Conference.Each Committee brought its best ideas to the table to create a diverse offering of timely industry topics.Midwest RooferAnnual Report 41'