b'the Haughton Middle School-an importantThe installation of everything, design aspect ofproject.including joint,to be thissealants has Even more vital was the speed and easedone [perfectly] be it isy causeverof installation, and that the roof could bedifficulttogo back and corre it ct installed during the school y s onceitin place." ear onectionsis ofthat were not in use. " theThe IMP system was also buildingsAtend ofry workday, the ro was closed back up;mo expensive than the other eve ofre it was never left open overnight orlongtwo alternatives considered bye forthperiods of time," Marchive said. \'\'The schoolschool board. But a top priority remained in s during the renovation,was on k the scho open essioneepingol and it was important to minimize theduring reroofing-and IM fit disrup Ps tion as much as possible."theeasily. bill Marchive alsothat there is virtually saidno o canningthe panels,that the ilwithandroof ofmiddle school "stays clean and flat." the But installers fac s challenges, edome thatinsulated most notablythe thickness of panels made it difficult to fill"We valleys. have had some roof leaks duringfirst year the and e single one of them was at aey," veryvallMarchive said. "The wor to be very kmanship hashigh quality. Iftrycut comers or leave youto out any,is going to leak. This is a steps it s that depends ondoing exactlyIn 201 insulated metal panels were used on the roof ystemworkers1, what the manufacturer says has to be done.and walls ofeen Spannew 10,000-sq. -ff. Gr Profiles\' manufacturing facility in W TX. aller. OFTHEYEAR Roofing Contractor is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Roofing Cohtractor of the Year, profiled in our November issue. Nominate a contractor that employs industry best f)ractk;es, tak-es cru;e of its employees, and exeels at quality workmansrup and custGme:r satisfaction. Rememl!ler,, we\'re not 1oking for the bigest contraet:0rs out there - we\'re loolrutg for- tllelle9 Midwest Roofer- www.mrca.org19'