b'Growing Your Bus ess inBecome aChampion Productivity Randy Go1-uk H istimepersonalt,as I Liketorefermanage Itessential for leaders of owyourmanagemen orto timeis ment,is yourproductivity? howDo you accomplish everything yououttodo in a?organizations to masterthe art of setday Do you find yourself running from one thing to another?Douof time to accomplish the tasks you want?personal productivity.who yo run outCEOsDo you have enoughfor your timefamily?Do you wish you had one more hour in a day?lead worldwide organizations cannot rtisesrential for leaders of organizations totheof masterart personal productivity. CEOs who Lead worldwide organizations cannotafford to waste aminute single sing minuafford to waste alete when trying to profitably grow their business, and neither can you. Here\'s howtobecome a personal productivity champion.when trying to profitably grow their Identify and crush time wasters.Make a list of all of the thingsbusiness, and neither can you. .that waste your time and think about what you can do to eliminate themyour day. Then, begin to eliminate them o at a time. fromne Alternatively, as you go through the next 2simply record theDepending on the activity, maybe you can delegate ittosomeone else or weeks, con become more things that waste your time and don\'ttribute to your success. Then,eliminate it entirely. You may need to learn toefficient in eliminate them.certain activities. As a result of removing those things that are robbing youproduc There are usually a number of choices or decisions to make ofand tive time,will experience less stress, e oy your w more, be moreit\'s difficulttomake them on your own. It\'s recommendedget your younj orkto effective at what you do, and enable you to spend valuable time on pro supervisorlv so that you agree on the "ideal time spent" invo edidentifessional development, which will position you foradvancement.fied in theallocation chartYoualso need his careertimeyou\'ve created.may or her help in reassigning ornatingtivities that are p nting Address time allocation.Time allocation isply deciding howelimi ac revesim you from doing whatshould be doing. much time you dedicate to any one activity oractivities.you group ofThere is no shortage of solutions to transitionomare 1.List all ofwork activities on atpaper. Think about notfr how you yourshee ofspending your time to what you should bendingtime on. only what you are doingbut what you do or should do over aspe your today typi l mo Be sure you have afor professionalandReview and evaluate your progress.Begin with reviewing your ca nth.placegrowth development activities.day. Are you getting everything do that you planned? Ifare, then neyou esidesuccess 2. B each activity, write the approximate amount of time youyou\'re havingin eliminating time wasters and staying focused spend on eachtivity in a typical week.on how you\'ve planned to spend youre. You are on your way to beac tim3. S these activities into no more than six groups or categories.coming a personal productivity champion. eparate Label these groups or categories any way you want.Ifaren\'t having success, take another look at the thingsare youthat 4. Add the number of hours forh gro and convert it to percent taking your time and don\'t contribute to your goals orbegin eac upobjectives; age oftime. For example, if you work 50 hours in aandto say NO to them going yourweekforward. groupgive you have atotaling 10 hours of time, thisis20% of your time.Don\'tup. Get some help. Consider having someone else review 5. Take alook at your groups and the amount of time youyour plan and o er you the advice and support youyed to achieve hardareff ma nespendiug in each, then askurself "Is this how Ibe spend your goals. Ask aend, aayour bossanybody. yo shouldfri spouse,coworker,. ing my time?"Aset ofon what you are doingoffer you some differenteyesmay 6. Identify how much of your time you would ideally like to spend inadditional suggestions for improvement orntify the "blind ide spots" reat ll you each of the groups you\'ve c ed. Create a simple time a ocationpreventingfrom achieving your goals. . chart for yourselfRandy Go1-uk isfounder andof 7. Now here com the hard part-you need to figure out how youthepresidentLeaders1Jdge360. es transition from actualspent to ideal time spent.C,()m,adevelopmentVisil Randy\'s website at timeleadershipfirm.www. LeadersEdge360.rom orC,()nfadhimat To do this you need to drill down intohwithin eachRandy@LeadersEdge360.(X)1Yl. eac activity whatdo group and detennineyou\'re going toto make the trausition. 14www.mrca.org- Midwest Roofer'