b'reenRoofingUpdate Durable Roofing, Sustainable Roofing, and Politically Correct Roofing By Kurt Baumgartner and Jay Crisp Websterdefines\'durable\'asmight go75 years withoutmuchgeneration,modifysocietyand "able to exist for atime with care;howevera qualityasphaltreviseoureco scheme.In longnomic deteriorat eymanout significantion." Web shingleinstallationcan be easilyother words, th form adate The language ofster de \'sustainable\' as "able tomaintained and recovered.for political action with an aimto thefines Green movement is nobe supported or maintained."Owners need to understand thealter ourour economy and culture, R systems that are du differen between such systemsour oofingrablecessociety. longer understand requirelittleto sustainth lastbecause the cost structuretheThe lan of the Green m em,andguageovefor extendedperiods of ti, andtiming of expense differ consider mentis nolonger understandable able using Webster\'smesimples; perform their intended purpose ofably;sometimesownersmayusing Webster\'sdefinitionsimple defmitionsrendering the structurerchoosetoaffordone, and some themeaningof\'sustainable\'is wate tight. Thosethatare easilyrepa totimescanonlyaf d theother.much more complicated and much iredformaintainwatertightintegrity areInformation about andd lessopen tointerpretationby the understansustainable.ing of the implications ought tobuilding community. Sustainability be good To those of us in the traditionalcritical toplanning and man carries thedirectionto political roofing community, aroofagement.actionwithinits definitionrather durable anda sustainableroofdifferinIn the last decade acriteriathan directionforbuildingconnew important ways: Apitch andhasenteredthebuildingdesignstruction. Roofing systems that are good gravel rooftypicallyweatheredaarena: "Gr thefornow to be considered "sustaineenness,"demandable" very longtime before needingmainte societal adjustment of living prac must meet adifferent criteria "\\ nance; arooftices to exist and consume in acriteria set deepin the committe~ good smooth surfacepretypicallyneed maintenancescribedmanner. Thesep meetingrooms,infarawayin edractices sooner,but waseminently moreare being developed to affect cli places like RioJ Kyoto, deaneiro, repairable.A q ityslateroofmate chan revolutionize energyMontrealDoha. ua!ge,and Let us examine how the "crisis" of global warming and the"green mov ithasspawn are ement"ed ingof chang the meaningdurability andsuespeciallystainability. These two terms have morphed fromadjectiveswithconcrete implicationsthe builder, owner for andaccountan intodemanding t, by outreach philosophies drivenan hiunderlyingpseudo-religion. T s will greatly impact how we put on roofs now and inre. the futuIn the September issue /October of the ASTM publication Standardization News. The Editor, Maryann Gormantes, "One way to gauge wriy\'s a new technolog stayingpower isnote the amount of effort togoing into standards development tosupport its emergence and widespread use." Later ineditorial she thetu ther writes "As has h since~ appened'