b"onents t3President's Article:Got Liabilities??? 4SHARP Update: Taking S-afety&Health Training to the Next Level -Using ARS systems to improveprogram your training 6MRCA Member News 8Green 'Roofing U : Roofing and Photovo)taks pdate12Affiliate News 14lndustry News MRCA Board Directory Officers/Executive CommitteeJames HuntingtonT&RCommilleeMRCA Services PresidentAM Rooting Inc.Jim Barr-ChairExecutive Vice President Co John DalyEma: jrh@aaaroofingcompan BarrGo.James T. (Tom) Knight il y.comRoofing Kaw Roofing&Sheet Metal, Inc.Email: jbarr@abilene.comEmail: tom.knight@mrca.org Email:ly@kawroofandmetal.comLes Jones jdaL JonesInc.Jim Brosseaulegal Counsel esRoofing, First Vice PresidentEmail: les@ jonesroofing.comBennett&sseau Roofing, IncGary Auman les Bro_brossRonnie McGlothlinEmail: jim eau@bennettandgwa@dmfdayton.com Empire, In Steve Littlebrosseau. Pho 937/223-6003 Roofing c.comne: Email: ronnie@empireroofing.comKCompany Post E : steve.little@kpostcompany.comJay Crisp mailSecond Vice PresidentEmail: roofing@ceda et.o MRCA Headquarters rn rg James L. RamserLarry Marshall48 Billingsy 40 BobParlm~Highland R ng.,.LlInc.Kevin GwaltneyLawrence, KS 66049-3862 oofi Co Inc MarshaI, Email:o ng.comEmail: info@marshallroofing.comDiam R ingPhone: 78.5/843-4888 jim@highlandro fi ondoofEmail: kevin@diarno fingdck.comFax: 7 /843-7ndroo 85 555 Secretary-TreasurerDavid McKinnisToll Free: 800/497-6722 Randy AdamsM Ro &Metal, Inc.Dennis Runyanww,i.mrca org cKinnisofingSheet RRoofing, Inc.Email: roof101387@aol.comDryspace, Inc. Adams Email: randy_a@radamsroofing.comE il:nnis@dryspace.com ma deMike Miller ilher Chairman of the BoardHenry C. Sm Roofing Co., Inc.Robert Therrien, Jr. Rod PetrickEmail: mmiller@smitherroofing mThe Melanson Co., Inc. .coRrdgeworth Roofing Co., Inc.E rtherrien@melanson, m mail:coEmail: rod@ w n Tom Miller ridge orthroofi g.com The Zero Company DirectorsE il: tmiller@ oco oling.comAdvisors ma zer roRick BirkmanDr. Rene Dupuis Texas Roofing CompanyKenny MorganStructural Research, Inc. Email: rick@texasroofing.comAmerican Roofing &Me lE l: rdupuis@sri-msn.comThe opinions and positions stated Sheelta maiE iorganarsm@aol.cominarticles publishedherein are maI: mRon BooneKurt Baumgartnerthose of lhe authors and not. by the Boone Brothe RoofingGary RickertMartin R ng Inc.factofpublication,ne ily rsoofi CocessarEmail:n brothers.comDC T CompanyE il: kurtbaum@ n ng.com ro @boone aylorma marti roofi those of MRCA.MRCA does not Email: g .rickert@dctaylorco.com ary endorse roofing products or sysTerry Busstems and shall not be deemed by ED C ,c.Rod SparksStaff hase In anything herein tohave recomEmail:ss@edchase.comHolland RoofingExecutive Director tbu m ded theor non-use of any E il: rods@hollandroo Kim Swartzendruberen use ma fing.comparticular roofing product or sysJoe HallE :m.swartzendruber@mrca.org mail ki tem. Hall C mercial, Inc.Gregory Sprague omEmail:acomSprague R Co.Communications Director joe@hallcommerci l. oofing ai gmsprEm l:ague@spragueroofing.comJohn Fullerton Alex HernandezEmail: jo ullerton a.org hn.f @mrcClark Roofing Co.Larry Stock E rkroofing.comQueen City Roofing &tractingMarketing Mgr. mail: alexh@cla ConEmail: lstock@q oling.comSarah Lober roE il:rketing@m .ma ma rcaorg Membership Services Chrissy Neibarger me bers @mrca.org Email:m hip2"