b'MRCA NewsEmergency Response: In the event of an accident or injury, prompt and effective response can make all the difference. HAWT prepares workers to respond swiftly and appropriately to emergencies, potentially saving lives in critical situations.As more companies like JR & Co. embrace this initiative, we can expect to see a significant reduction in workplace accidents and injuries, ultimately fostering a safer and more secure environment for all workers involved. With dedicated members like JR & Co. leading the charge, the future of roofing looks brighterand saferthan ever before.CLASSES FORMING NOW!Register online at mrca.orgYoure buying from HERE!MANUFACTURER WHOLESALER DISTRIBUTOR CUSTOMER$ $$ $$$ $$$$Wouldnt you want to order from HERE?We specialize in purchasing safety supplies directly from the manufacturer.Beeline will assist you, the customers, in this NEW ordering process which reducesthe middleman and provides a cost savings.Member Benets No Cost to Join/Participate Cost Savings 15-30% Free One-on-One ConsultationWhich side of the supply chain do you want to buy from?Kevin Holden|Managing Partner|Beeline Purchasing LLC| kevin@beelinepurchasing.com| Cell 513-607-5955www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 7'