b'Industry NewsJIM BARR IS AWARDED ROOFING INDUSTRY HIGH HONORNRCA named Jim Barr, president of Barr Roofing Co., Abilene, Texas, recipient of its 77th annual J.A. Piper Award Feb. 7 during the NRCA 2024 IndustryAwardsCeremonyinLasVegas. The J.A. Piper Award is the roofing industrys most prestigious honor and recognizes roofing professionalswhohavedevotedconstant outstanding service to the association and roofing industry.In 1964, Barrs father established Barr Roofing, andthreeyearslater,Barrwasworkingon roofs and in the sheet metal department during summer breaks from high school. He attended the University of Texas at Austin for a few years but then returned home and started working full time at his fathers roofing company. In 1993, he became a minority shareholder in the business.Soonafter,hebeganvolunteeringwiththe Midwest Roofing Contractors Association and in 2001 was elected as MRCAs president. After hispresidentialterm,heremainedanactive volunteer and continued to serve as chairman of the organizations Technical and Research Committee for eight years, acting as MRCAsthefirsttwomoduleslaunchedunderhis representative to NRCAs Technical Operationsleadership and eventually morphed into NRCA Committee. PROCertification. Additionally, as a result of In2009,BarrwaselectedtoNRCAsboardhis commitment and dedication to highlighting of directors and served on NRCAs Technicalthe professionalism of the roofing industry, trade Operations and Manual Update committees. schools now are implementing roofing into their In 2011, MRCA bestowed its highest honor oncurriculums.Barrthe James Q. McCawley Award, which isBarr also has contributed to his community and presented annually to an individual in recognitionhad the idea to put on a Key City Rhythm and for outstanding service to the roofing industry. TheBlues Festival while helping a roofing customer next year, he was elected to NRCAs Executivewho runs the local United Way in Abilene. It Committee, where he served as a vice chairmanbecamethethree-dayKeyCityRhythmand from 2012-14. The Roofing Alliance also recruitedBlues Festival, which raised $25,000 for United Barr and elected him as secretary-treasurer whileWay of Abilene. The next year, the festival grew he served as NRCAs chairman of the board-electand doubled its proceeds. Barr regularly helps and then NRCAs chairman of the board in 2017. numerous other local communities and even WhileservingasNRCAschairmanoftheparticipated in Dancing with the Abilene Stars, board, one of his priorities was to develop aa local event where he and 11 dancers helped qualifiedworkforce.Barroversaweffortstoraise $300,000 for Hendrick Home for Children.produce a training program where field roofingOur Piper winner possesses all the best qualities workers can receive certificates of completionof a leaderstrength, knowledge, command, upon successful training in topic-specific areas;thoughtfulness, generosity and class, said Bob Continued on page 1110 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'