b'Presidents MessageSAFETY IN ROOFINGBob Poutre, MRCA PresidentT hose that know me know my strong belief in providing a safe working environment for our employees. Safety has become a passion of mine, and it is considered a profit center within our company. Safety in roofing is paramount due to the inherent risks associated with working at heights and handling of heavy materials. Here are some key considerations for ensuring safety in roofing:1. Training and Education: Ensure that all workers receive proper training on safety procedures, equipment usage, and handling of materials. This includes training on fall protection, ladder safety, equipment operation, and emergency procedures.2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Require all workers to wear appropriate PPE, including hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, high-visibility clothing, and non-slip footwear. Additionally, use fall protection equipment such as harnesses, lanyards, and lifelines when working at heights.3.Fall Protection: Implement fall protection measures such as guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems to prevent falls from roofs, edges, and openings. Conduct regular inspections of fall protection equipment to ensure it is in good working condition.4.Safe Access: Provide safe access to the roof using secure ladders, stairways, or access hatches. Ensure that access points are properly maintained and free from obstructions.5.Material Handling: Train workers on proper lifting techniques to prevent strains and injuries when handling heavy roofing materials. Use mechanical lifting equipment such as cranes, hoists, or conveyors when necessary to minimize manual handling.6.Weather Awareness: Monitor weather conditions and suspend work during inclement weather such as high winds, lightning storms, or icy conditions. Implement procedures for securing materials and equipment during adverse weather to prevent hazards.7.Tool and Equipment Safety: Regularly inspect and maintain all tools and equipment to ensure they are in safe working condition. Provide proper training on the use of power tools and machinery to prevent accidents and injuries.8.Communication: Establish clear communication channels between workers, supervisors, and management to ensure everyone is aware of safety protocols, hazards, and emergency procedures. Encourage workers to report any safety concerns or incidents promptly.9.Emergency Preparedness: Develop and communicate emergency response plans for incidents such as falls, injuries, fires, or severe weather events. Ensure that all workers know how to respond appropriately and evacuate the work area if necessary.10.Supervision and Oversight: Assign qualified supervisors to oversee roofing operations and enforce safety procedures. Conduct regular safety inspections and audits to identify hazards and address any deficiencies promptly.By prioritizing safety and implementing these measures, roofing companies can create a safer work environment for their employees and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on the job site, saving both lost time hours and elevated insurance premiums.I would like to challenge the members of the MRCA who havent participated before to seriously consider having your safety program reviewed, graded, and critiqued by MRCA Legal Counsel, Mr. Gary Auman. The application for the 2024 Elite Safety Awards will be going live at the end of May on the MRCA website under the MRCA Elite Safety Program Awards. Last year there were 25 companies that participated and of those, 16 earned the highest Platinum Award recognition. Our firm, Roof Tech, was one of those that made that list, but only after six previous submissions that earned us 1 Silver and 5 Gold Awards. Each year we learned a bit more about some of the areas where our program needed a little help. It has made us a safer company. Work Safe,Bob PoutreMRCA PresidentRoof Tech, Inc.4 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'