b'Women in RoofingWinR Highlight JOY JOHNSONJenna Kramer- Lefever Wm. Kramer & Sons, Inc. I n2002,Wm.Kramer&Son,secrets and roofing best practices passed down to Inc. welcomed one of our firsther through the various generations is invaluable. female roofers to our team. JoyHer ability to fit in socially and technically in the Johnson, a fiery red-head, just 23roofing world is uncanded. We are hoping that years old, made her way as oneJoys positive impact on this industry will inspire of the best roofers and detailersother women and daughters to seek this profession in the country! In 2002, as Joy made her debutas a career. We are encouraging all of you to in roofing, the top occupations for women of thatbring your daughters into this industry to keep time included nursing, teaching, secretaries, andthe legacy alive!waitresses, definitely NOT roofing!Lets rewind to the beginning. I mentioned Joy was one of our first female roofers; she was not THE first. In 1989, Becky, Joys mother, joined the team, following her brother who had also worked here! To say roofing is in Joys blood is an understatement.Much like Becky, Joy has worked her way up from helper to Journeyman, ensuring quality installs, running work, and filling in wherever needed. Joy is a reliable and vital member of our team; the trade 18 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'