b'TECHNICAL & RESEARCH COMMITTEEMATERIAL INCOMPATIBILITIES AD HEREmixing and matching componentsAsthef irsti saser iesofTechnic alan dResearch Pract ic alAdvicear t iclesonT&Ri dea sacont ractor c anbenef itbyapply ingnow,Idliketot akeup Mater i al Incompat ibilit ies.Steve Weinert, T&R ChairExamples of Materialmismatch problems are untested combinations Incompatibilities issues are historiclacking the known-performance assurances of in the roofing industry.As a rooftested combinations.system is assembled it is easyThe second broad category is true mismatches - to end up mixing and matchingcombinations put together in the field from parts components that meet the checklistnever intended to work together.of parts the roof system needs, but that simplyReturning to warranty/specifications problems - the doesnt work well together. sort of problems when a crew installs the wrong Broadly, the incompatibilities can be broken(color coded of course) labeled screws for the roof into mismatches that are warranty/specificationsystem, or your loads of insulation include one problems - the ones that get the consultant or theload that has different labels on the shrouds even warrantying manufacturer upset, but might do thethough they all came from the same plant on the job.Notice I said might as often times these 24 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'