b'From "Tinners" to Roofers By John Fullerton, MRCA Administrative Manager Besel RoofingAt more than eighty years old, V.B. Greenamyre still works seven days a week. "We are passing on the business to the young ones, but its hard to retire from something you have enjoyed doing your whole life," he says. was one of theGreenamyre is the president of Besel Roofing & Heating in Leavenworth, Kan. Besel Roofing was one of the charter charter membersmembers of the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association who joined in i 950. "Our family business started back in 1881 - we were \'!inners\' back then." of the MidwestGreenamyre goes on to describe how the Besel family got involved in the roofing industry. \'"Tinners,\' (a.k.a. "tinRoofing Contractorssmiths") like today\'s sheet metal workers, used to fashion sheets of tin into gutter systems that collected rainwater runoff from metal roofs into charcoal filtering systems for water cisterns. Our business grew to include steep roofing work, and Association whotoday also includes remodeling, heating and air conditioning services." "Mike Besel founded the business back in 188i - we know because Besel Roofing is listed in the 1881 local direcjoined in 1950.tory," he says. "Mike Besel\'s son, Ed, was the father of my wife, Marjorie. Our son David will completely take over the business soon. Our son Mike owns his own roofing company as well. It has been a family business all the way." Today, Besel Roofing & Heating is involved in built-up and steep roofing, heating and air conditioning, siding and interior remodeling, as well as gutter, skylight, insulation and ventilation work. "About 10% of our work is commercial, but mostly we do steep roofing work,\'\' Greenamyre says. "We do mostly re-roofing and remodeling work on older buildings, but we do some new construction too." This is the first in a series of features on companies who joined MRCA in the official year of its birth in 1950. MRCA is proud to honor its charter members. Were it not for their participation more than fifty years ago, the association would not be here to offer the research, tools, training and advocacy we do today We offer them our thanks for their support. There are no holes inour story withour"Zero Penetrations" systems. PortablePipeHangerscan beused on any surface or roofingsystem for any type of project- newinstallations,modifications or retrofit. SystemAdva ntages: Height Adjustable On-Site Technical Support Easy Installation Accessories Available Continous Transition Seismic Approval to Zone 4 Increased Load Distribution High Wind Rated to140 mph Manage Dead Weight to 2 lb.psi or less SYSTEMS & DESIGN PORTABLE PIPE HANGER'