b'\'-"Second, the AEPA is an organization established by the public sector toassociation that has neverawayissues thatimportant to this shiedfromare provide acollective public purchasing clearinghouse. The AEPA reliable,industry.We also appreciate Mr. Kratzer\'s participation in an open forum solicited bids for aof products and services ranging from vehicles varietypanel discussion on this topic atconvention in Nashville. the to playground equipment toroofing. WTI wasthe successfulbidder forMy only desire is that Tremco wouldthe issue ofappropriaddressthe roofing services. WTI is listed by the AEPA because it submitted the low ateness ofor proprietary specifications in the public sector, exclusionary est, responsive bid to the organization.not continue to shiftto aof Tremco\'s "innocence" in the focusdiscussion Tremco manufactures excellent roofing systems, provides trained expertNew Jersey matter.There are many individuals who would notthat agree roof technicians to advise on projects and assure continuing quality serv the New Jersey investigation had no bearing on Tremco, butis not thatmy ice, and offers some of the best warranties in the roofing industry. That\'spoint.The problem is not whether the practice of writing restrictive speciwhat we do, fairly and honestly as we have for decades.fications is illegal (that is up to our legislative and judicial system). but Asour company does each year, Tremco will attend the 2001MRCAwhether the restrictive nature of some proprietary specifications unfairly trade show inle and will be represented on the RCI panel on specNashvil eliminates less expensive systems that will provide comparable performifications. It is our expectation that this panel will be held in good faith toance from apublic bid. competitive achieve aand informative discussion of the issue. We sinprofessional,As tor the Weatherproofing Technologies,(WT!) issue, Iin my Inc.have notforumpossession letterhead from WT/ thatstates "General Contractcerely hope that it willbe permitted to deteriorate into afor anyspecifically one to press aagenda or to express a privatebusiness prejudice.ing""Construction Management." Itno mention ofconandmakesroofing F let me reiterate what Tremco said in itsletter to MRCA\'s inally,earliertracting.Thisdocumentincludesthestatement\'\'SolutionsThrough executive director:Information and Management Expertise." You call itv you want, but whate er "We will be pleased to visit with you and all members of the Asso this sure says "construction management" to me. ciation who would like to stop by our booth to talk about the mattersFinally, based entirely upon the information that Igathered to date, have addressed in this letter or, preferably, to talk about what we do besi it is apparent to me that school districts that purchase rooting through de!qua/roofing systems backed by experience, service and iveringityAEPA will unwittinglythe benefitcompetitive public bidding circumventof ato fair dealing with our contractors and customers." commitmentandaprice forrooting projects thatfrom paysignificantly highertheircome We will see you in Nashville.asource \'\'supplier, "Ito continue to pursue this issue, if singleWT/.intend reasonright astaxpayer for no otherthan to protect mysawho is opposed Sincerely,to the waste ofdollars. taxpayer DerylKratzer, CDT W. Sincerely, John Stephenson, President Former MRCA President John Stephenson Responds:Stephenson Roofing Company In reply to this most recent (September 28, 2001) correspondence from wouldnumberpoints.Note. MRCA is pleased to print this and any other opinions on this and Tremco, Ilike to emphasize aof Tremco is notmember ofMRCA. Membership is notto manatheopenother issues. As an association, MRCA does not promote aopinspecific ufacturers, however Tremco has participated in MRCA conventions for sev ion on this subject, but will act as afor the exchange ofand meansideas eraland we appreciate their yearssupport.opinions on this and any other rooting industry issue.MRCA publishes Each response to this issue from Tremco has been or will be publishedopinions on both sides ofthey are provided to us in print and issues as, in the Midwest Roofer.The letter to which Mr. Kratzer refers was receivedmembers are especially encouraged to submit letters orfor publiarticles after the deadline for the Show Guide edition ofMidwest Roofer, which thecation -on uncontroversial subjects as well as controversial.opinones All is why it did not appear in that issue but did appear in the October issue.ions expressed in the Midwest Roofer are those of the author(s) and not, The October issue was madebyatregistration desk atmerel by fact ofthose of availableMRCAtheypublication,MRCA. the convention in Nashville. This practice is true to form tor the MRCA, an'