b"ROOFING DESIGN AND PRACTICE STEPHEN PATTER MADANMEHTA SON AND AboutThisBook Intended for profe$sionals and students in an::hitecture, construction, and engineering, Roofing Design andthe reader through all of Prartice takesthe processes involved in rbof design. The author team ofroof a practicing consultant andawr11iversity professor offers a great ;ombinatlon of knowledge and e~periem:e to l:)roduce this cdmprehensive guide to design practice, suitability @f varieus systems t0 specific fi)rojects, aAd codes and sped fications. Roc;,'fing design is one of the most neglectecl fields in Qnstruct;ion, yet roofing problems represent well over half ofitigation all land owner complaints. This text is a valuable resource to help av0i0 these potential preblems. Key Features Up-to-date i'E}ferences ir.:idude the new 200@ lntemati~l'lal Building (o;:le requirements and curr.emtin1-ustrystan!lards. C'.;omprehenslve ;;overage0fh steep and low-sl0ped roefing) ;!esigns. 00ttletailed a!'le! web llustrated chapters en drainage design, wine clesign, Hinslatlon requirements,vapor control, al'ld flashing. assist tOver 500 illustrations tohe desigl'ler and aid readers in understanding. Coverage ofissues, including warranties. legal Coverageofall types ofoofing: asphalt, clay, concrete, slate, rmetal, and more, ORDER FORM~Roofing Design and PracticePlease Check the Appropriate Name____ _ _ _ ____Boxes:For more information: _C pany:__ _ __- __Call 800-828-1902 om Name _Address:___ _ _ _ _ _ __DVISADMCDAmExp. _ Fax orders to: 919-859-1328 City:____State: _ _ __DCheck(payable to RGI,usfunds only _~~P~M:~ - - - Order online at: RCIMemb~No.____ __ _ Cardholder Name:__ _ ___www.RCI-Online.org/pubsprods.htm _Card No. _ _ _ _ ___ ___ 'Quantity:'DD$70.00 - RCI Members $85.00 - NonmembersExp.Date:. _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Signature:_______ __ _"