b'NRCA Sets Sail For MansonContinued from Page 7 San Diego proceduresdesign education, allwhich andof have become vital in providing good roofing systems.Coordinatetheseeducational sessionswiththe manufacturer or materialTheNational supplier to increase employee awareness. ToRoofing completethislink,havethemanufacturerContractors MIDWESTinspect the work in progress and provide aAssociation ROOFING CONTRACTORSwritten report on the installation process. The(NRCA)willstage ASSOCIATION, INC.educational process will notcomplete untilits103rdAnnual 8725 Rosehill Rood, Suite 21 0be Lenexa, Kansas 66215-4611the company environment provides benefitsConventionand (913) 599-6600for excellence. These benefits do not have toExhibition Feb.27 through FAX (913) 599-6500March 2, 1990, in the new San be monetary. Moral and mental benefits areDiego Convention just_ asimportantin providingahealthyCenter. OFFICERS KIRBERGyourThe DOUGLAS 0.envtronment foremployees.attitude Presidentthat exists at your business starts withtheWith its theme,"Charting the Course NRCA St. Louis, Missouriupper management personnel and works itsinto the 90\'s", this year\'s show will give attendees HARLAN HANSONan opportunity to gather what Vice-Presidentway through the entire company structure.they will need for a Ames.Iowasmooth and profitable voyage into the next CLIFFORD JOHNSONThe manufacturers and suppliers are importantdecade. Vice-Presidentbusinesspartnersproviding economicand Tulsa, OklahomaThe four-day event will highlight all the latest ANTHONY M. SPIGARELLItechnical benefits that are unavailable without Secretary-Treasurersolid lines of communication. Relationshipsroofingdevelopmentsand17educational Minneapolis, Minnesotawith these businessesbeprogramswillconcentrateontechnicaland canthe most difficult toestablishbecauseof localcompetition,business-managementissuesof vital interest to DIRECTORSroofingcontractorsandotherconstruction LB.MORRISsalespersonnelturnover,andspecificprofessionals. Kansas City, Missouricompany policies affecting contractors. The WILLIAM O\'BRIENroofing manufacturers should move towards West Chicago, Illinoisstricter approved contractor status to eliminateThe biggest yet, the trade show will host more \'JAMES M. PACELLOtha~ 370 companies showing the latest in roofing \'-". Denver, Coloradothe "commodity roof installations" plaguingequipment, products and services. MICHAEL PETTIGREWthe roofing industry today. Fort Wayne, Indiana GERALD SADLONCompleteyourbuisnesscircletheoldAs always, the convention days will feature topRacine, Wisconsinname speakers. Former President Ronald Reagan ROBERT DANIELSfashioned way-EARNYour company IT. El Paso, Texasmustrelyonitscustomerbasetobuild,will deliver the convention\'s keynote address. MICHAEL GOSTOMSKImaintain,anddevelopnew customers.A Winona, Minnesotaservice business must be respected and trustedThe San Diego nights will be filled with special RAYMOND L. HOSELTONevents when NRCA brings convention goers the Chenoa, Illinoisby its customers. Assure customers, through MARCUSB. MANSONtheperformanceof YOUR company,thattraditional exhibitor hospitality parties, plus "An Kansas City, Missourithey are important. Solid business contactsEvening at Sea World"and the Annual Dinner JAY REFIEUNADance, featuring "Up With People."-Lyons, Illinoisrequire time, hard work, and a commitment to MICHAELJ. DALSINexcellence. West Fargo, North Dakota BILLFEREM Humble, TexasWiththeroofingindustrytechnicallyConvention Cassettes ROBERT R. HANSENadvancing, a step back in time with business Omaha,Available Nebraskaattitudes could be beneficial. Remember who ROBERTF. HUNTINGTONinstalls the roof and where the roof is installed. Indianapolis, IndianaMRCA The field people need to be brought into thenow has available cassettes on each BOBBY KODER, JR.of the Convention programs. You can get West Des Moines. Iowafoldof thecompany.Manufacturerand supplier relationships canbestrengthened toyour cassettes by filling out the enclosed DAVID KIELPINSKIinsert and returning it with youryment to provide better roof installations. Develop apaofcustomer base that gives your business theMRCA. ChairmanBoard Milwaukee, Wisconsin opportunity toinstall the roof systems you STAFfCassettes are $7.00 each. If know best. Good business practices have notyou would like JAMES(TOM) KNIGHT T.changed but styling these practices for yourmoreinformationontheseconvention Executive Directorcompany is a full-time job. Welcome to thesouvenirs, please call the MRCA office. SARAH L. WILLIAMSON1990\'s! Manager Administrative Page 8'