b'Legislative Update \\.J Congress seems to be turning its attentionindividual who hasbeendiscriminatedA letter to your Congressman and Senator to bills ofandagainst-oror"is about toexpressing your views will have an impact. vital importance to businessbelieves heshe the general public once again, even thoughbesubjected to discrimination" - to sueYour representatives do pay attention to still reeling from the "ethics wars." Here\'sthe offending company in federal court forthoughtful letters from their constituents. a brief rundown on the status ofpunitive and compensatory damages. measures capturing the most attention.Minimum Wage This bill is far-reaching, costly, and difficult Section 89to implement, especially for small business.SenatorKennedy\'s(D-MA) Minimum Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has promisedWage Restoration Act of 1989 is dead -Chances are excellent thatmembersmark-up in the Labor and Human Resourcesfor awhile anyway. President Bush recently MRCA will get a break on employee health-benefitCommittee by the end of June.A Housevetoed an increase in the minimum wage, rules, though you won\'t be exempt fromcompanion measure, H.R.2273 (Coehlo,citing the $3.35 to $4.55 an hour over three Section 89, which .penalizes health. plansD-CA),has 45 . TheBushyears as "excessive."The House vote of cosponsors. 7-178 in favorwell shortthe twothatdiscriminateagainstrank&fileadministration has appointed a task force24wasof employees in favor ofto formulate its policy.thirds needed to override.Bush also said higher-paids. that the bill lacked a key element: A lower Small business will be allowed alternativeRecent Developments intrainingall new wage forhires during their ways to meet the requirements, such as noConstruction Legislationfirst six months on the job. dollar limit on employee contributions if most join the plan.Don\'t worryaboutTwo bills are presently being reviewed byNote:Anotherefforttoincreasethe complying with Section 89it nowtheU.S.House and Senate whichmayminimum wage is expected later this year. asstands. The Treasury will postpone enforcementhave a major impactthe construction upon until Congress rewrites it.The basic ruleindustry.The first is an OSHA ReformParental Leave willrequirethemtooffer"affordable"Billentitledthe"ConstructionSafety,\\._I health insurance to 90% of workers andHealth and Education ImprovementofThe sponsors ofH.R.770 and ActS.345 would limit extra premiums paid for high-salary1989," (SenateBill930,sponsoredbyseem to endorse a policy of allowing the Senator Christopheroffederalgovernmentto takeawayyour personnel.If discriminationrulesareDoddConnecticut; broken, somebe taxed.H.R.2254, sponsored by Christopher Shaysright to manage your operation so that it health benefits will ofifcan move in and play "super manager". Connecticut). This legislation,passed, SenateBill1129isbeingpushedbywillrequirecontractorstoemploya andSuch legislation would mandate 10 weeks Democrat leaders,passage is expected."ConstructionSafetySpecialist".The Simply put, the purposethe amendmentSafety Specialist will prepare or approve,of ofjob-protected unpaid leave for the birth, is to simplify the procedures and alleviatemonitor and ensurecompliance with on adoption of, illness ofof a child or illness the cost burden on employers.site health and safety programs.The billa parentweeks of and 15personal medical will also require contractors to report toleave(H.R.770);or10weeksof jobDisability-Rights LegislationOSHA the size, type and location ofprotected unpaid leave for family medical each constructionproject beforeconstructionreasons and 13of weekspersonal medical New bills have been introduced in bothcommences,orassoonasfeasiblereasons (S.345). houses.The Senate Labor and Humanthereafter. ResourcesSubcommitteeontheWhile H.R.770 covers firms with 50 or TheofShopmore workers (35 or HandicappedheldhearingsinMayonsecond billconcern is a Dualmore after three years), S.933,the "Americans withDisabilitiesReformBillentitledthe "BuildingandS.345 covers firms with 20 or more. Act of 1989",sponsored bySen. TomConstructionIndustryLaborLaw Harkin (D-IA).Amendments of 1989," (Senate Bill 807,This legislationismovinginCongress, sponsored by Senator Edward Kennedy ofand MRCA members are encouraged to The bill seeks to ensure equal opportunityMassachusetts;H.R.931, sponsored byexpress their views to elected officials -Missouri).even though prospects for a Bush veto of for people with disabilities in employment,William Clay ofThis bill, also publicaccommodations,transportation,referred to as the Anti-Double Breastingv any passed legislation are high. communications,andstateandlocalBill, will prohibit a single contractor from governments. Itbut isowningandoperating bothunionand has 15 cosponsors -still in need of a major rewrite.Here\'s annonunion shops.Anearly identical bill example:TheActwouldallowanwasbywas passed last yearthe House, but not passed by the Senate. Page 2'